posted ago by Nipplepotemus ago by Nipplepotemus +67 / -0

Keep an eye out for this tactic the shills at Facebook are doing... They set the default for your posts to "Only Me" which means nobody sees it! Lol... And go figure... After setting everything back to public, I go to settings and it has been on public the whole time! Those sneaky... ?

Another tactic they use is blocking specific website links in posts and even messenger... The work around is to place symbols in the address and instruct people to copy and paste it into their browser bar, then to remove the symbols.

Example: Normal: https://greatawakening.win/p/12hR7ej5FB/ Workaround: https$://greatawakening.$win/p/12hR7ej5FB/

The best place I found to put the symbols is after https and after the last period on any domain name (.com .ca .org .win ,etc).