What if Keystone isn't referring to a place but leading us to the term Keystone Pipeline and it's the word "pipeline" we should be looking at?
The definition of Pipeline also mean communication. In every Q post if you replace the word Keystone with Pipeline or Communication this fits. The term pipeline also refers to a type of computer programing.
From Wikipedia: a primarily one-directional pipeline may have some communication in the other direction, known as a return channel or backchannel...
From the Dictionary of Cliches by Christine ArmmerL The word pipeline entered the language in the latter half of the nineteenth century, and by the 1920s the term was used also for a channel of supplies or information.
ya and plankton and shit.
I also think in buiding arches and stuff you have a "keystone" block you put in last in the middle that keeps it all together.
The general idea that something is the "keystone" could be just the integral part of the system. If that falls, it all falls.
Is there a post about keystone? I dont know the reference.
Perhaps the Keystone is a law that was fraudulently enacted back in the 1870's. If that law was undone, all statutory law since then would be null and void - rendering our current corrupt political structure invalid. There are Americans who are working with DJT to pull this Keystone:
After reading those It almost feels like the keystone is a cypher to read the map.
And they got it in dec 2018?