It took weeks for us to figure it all out, but there is this massive deep cheating AI/algorithm.
Basically, they pick a final percentage of what they want for a states totals. Say 51% Biden, 48% Trump, 1% 3rd party. They use past voting data and polling expectation to guess the 2020 turnout. So all they have to do is tell the cheating program, the "expected turnout statewide" and the "final %'s they desire". The program does the rest, by the following.
The cheating program knows all the precincts and it is aware of the number of registered voters in each of those. So if the STATE has a 65% turnout, then the cheating program knows how many voters from each precinct it will need to manipulate in order to obtain that final desired percentage.
The cheating cannot be constant, it has to "move around" to hide itself or it would be too easy to find. You cant just say, ok have all the precincts report 51% for Biden, too obvious. So what you do is, you DON'T CHEAT AT ALL, until around 20% of the vote is in, once you have the REAL RESULTS of 20% of your expected total vote, you will get a very accurate trend that you can then use prior voting history per precinct to make an educated guess on what the final numbers WOULD be if left unchanged.
So, you want Biden to get 51% and Trump 48% and 1% others. The first 20% of the ACTUAL REAL results has Trump at 70%, Biden 25% and others at 5%.
So what needs to happen to get Trump DOWN from 70% to 48%, and Biden UP from 25% to 51% and other from 5% to 1%? MATH needs to happen, and it needs to be sneaky.
So basically, the cheaters now have the following information:
a) Past vote totals
b) polling enthusiasm
c) 2020 expected turnout down to the precinct level based on secret polling not publicly released.
d) REAL election results from the first 20% returns.
Now, if you have 10 precincts in a state, (this is all lowballed to make it easier to understand), 5 of them vote REP, and 5 DEM. However the 5 REP precincts go harder on REP and the 5 DEM are weaker. Meaning the average REP are 80% TRUMP, while the DEM are only 60% BIDEN.
To keep it believable, you cannot simply modifiy all these with the same ratios because a school that votes 2,000 people with average over the past 20 years having only 400 of them vote Democrat, if that school votes 2,000 people and all a sudden 1500 of them went Democrat, you'd have an ANTRIM MICHIGAN on your hands and people would notice and call it out.
So this cheating program has to know more information and it does!
It knows down to the precinct level how the votes go to each party by %. Having that knowledge, you can now safely alter votes from that county but still keep it believable and in range that falls into the margins.
Same example, the school that 2,000 usually vote at, but there are 4,000 people registered there to vote. The average turnout is around 50%. Well, there is some overhead, if more votes are needed, you could ADD up to 2,000 more voters, but that would give a 100% turnout and red flags.
However, due to this historical voting, mail in ballots the number of participants should be much higher according to fake news. So if they had 3,000 people show up, they could still justify it. So what would reasonable numbers be in one of the harder going REP precincts that are 80% REP with 2,000 voters? How about we add 800 more votes and give them all to Biden. 2,800 turnout 70%, and instead of 400 votes to Biden and 2,000 to Trump, Biden gets the extra 800 and is now sitting at 1200 votes but that is still too much for Trump, so lets delete 500 of his votes. So now you have 2,300 votes coming out of the precinct, 1,200 Biden and 1,500 Trump. Looks good, do it. If the cheating software is tied into the ballot marking devices, then what happens is when a person votes for Trump they can either QR code it to discard that vote, or change the QR code to be for Biden, although the circle will be marked Trump, or the text says Trump.
Only the QR code matters, because when you walk your ballot over to be scanned, the machine eats it and scans the QR code. It will award a ballot to Biden or Trump or other, or just not count it at all... no matter what the TEXT says on the ballot. As a voter you do NOT get feedback at this station, you only get a signal that your vote was counted or it had an error and needs attention. (over/undervote/straymark etc).
So we changed a few things, but we need to balance it out or we risk getting caught. So the physical number of ballots cannot be hacked, except that they can. The Dominion Imagecast has the ability to PRINT ballots. So if you added ballots for Biden and removed ballots for Trump and the numbers did not balance, you could have the imagecast PRINT a follow up ballot, after a voter scans theirs to account for the difference. We added 800 ballots to Biden and deleted 500 Trump votes. So the variable is 300, we need 300 more ballots that are for Biden, so the Imagecast then scans ballots as they are inserted and then it can simply scan/dump the ballot into the locked ballot box and then print a follow up 300 times until that magic number is hit. Now the precinct will balance.
So, yeah that was complicated sorry. That is 1 precinct. EVERY precinct is manipulated. The precincts are only manipulated for about an hour/90 minutes then released and allowed to go back to reporting the real results.
Remember they estimated turnout, they even boosted turnout at the precinct level to give those extra votes to Biden. Well, they allowed the first 20% of results to come in, they took that and extrapolated the percentages against expectations and history. SO what happens when your margin is 48%-51%, but then 10% more people per precinct actually show up to vote and they are almost ALL FOR TRUMP? The computers get fucked up, they cannot balance it. Their numbers are based on X, but they are seeing XX numbers, too many votes to overcome, SHUT IT DOWN BEFORE THEY ALL REPORT 100% and that is what they did. Placed shutdown at 97-99% and sat there for hours while tons of FAKE PRINTED BALLOTS were hand scanned in, blank ballots, Ruby Freeman ballots, TCF Detroit ballots, Philly ballots, Milwaukie ballots, MASSIVE ADJUDICATION to steal Trump votes and give to Biden... they did it all.
Now, why would a true audit where the ballots are READ by the text and not QR code scanned fuck it all up and blow the lid off?
Because remember those 800 ballots we gave Biden? 500 of them will say TRUMP and 300 of them won't have a voter assigned to the barcode. Then, if they did the scan multiple ballots, blank ballots, then their books will be WAY off, exactly like Detroit was 73% off balance pollbooks.
What would happen in our precinct scenario, is the 1,200 Biden ballots and the 1,500 Trump ballots, would actually on PAPER by hand/eye human reading the ballot and marking down a count, you would end up with:
Trump, 1,500 that were counted. 500 ballots that were deleted with a QR code that stated "do not count/discard", and you would end up at 2,000 Trump votes. This be 500 more than he was given credit for... next,
Biden would end up with 400 votes that matched a pollbook, and 800 votes that were not assigned to a voter. Biden would then only be awarded 400 votes that were matched to people who showed up. There would be 800 ballots in the box that SAY Joe Biden but no people to match them against. The fraud would be obvious.
The kicker on this? This happened in all 50 states. Senators were altered, House members altered and the POTUS was altered. Some benefited GOP and some DEM. Whoever is in charge of elections, likes to keep things close for a reason... to make it believable.
The 4 facets of fraud convolute everything. If you ONLY take the numbers from the "seized precincts" that had fixed ratios that were intended to massively manipulate the vote during the smallest timeframe, then the data can be extrapolated to some degree, but will never be perfectly known. Until an actual ballot audit is done, by human only, eye/paper/markings, then compared that to the poll books on WHO came in to vote, we won't know 100%.
Example, Precinct Rose High School, 1,000 voters showed up out of 2,000. 50% voter participation rate.
Is that rate consistent with years prior, if not, how much is it off % wise?
Pollbooks, WHO came to vote, who were the 1,000 voters? How were they registered? Does the % of registered voters match the turnout within an acceptable margin, or is it way off? (example, 700 REP voted, 300 DEM voted; Biden got 600 votes, Trump 400. That is a problem, because that states Biden got DOUBLE the number of votes awarded to him, compared to the number of DEM who actually voted.)
Evaluate the STATE data, find the TIME this precinct was "Seized" and locked at a fixed ratio of vote appropriation. (example, 4 PM till 5:30 PM, 90 minutes this precinct reported a fixed ratio of 9:1 in favor of Biden. So no matter who people voted for, while the vote tallies were reported for that 90 minutes and remember the "bucket process" where votes can be held back and reported in a controlled fashion, every 10 votes, 9 went to Biden and 1 went to Trump. The RATIO was based on the TIME and VOTES counted, to ensure that precinct was responsible for an EXACT number of votes flipped/manipulated, so that when ALL manipulated precincts had completed their reporting, from REAL results and from BUCKET results, that the final outcome would be 51% Biden, 48% Trump and 1% other.)
To correct this, is difficult because of the "bucket" state of votes, we don't know how many votes were put into limbo, compared to how many were reported directly and allowed to pass through the system. (Example, from Noon till 4PM, 400 votes were cast, but only 200 votes were reported over that 4 hours, the other 200 votes were held in the "bucket", because the cheating algorithm knew it needed to "seize and ratio an X number of votes", so then from 4pm till 5:30PM, there were 150 REAL votes reported, but manipulated in the awarding of those votes at a 9:1 ratio favoring Biden. Then additionally the 200 bucketed votes were dumped into the reporting stream and they too were manipulated against the algorithm ratio of 9:1. So in this 90 minute period there were 350 votes tallied and they were assigned 9:1, which would BOOST Biden votes from THAT Precinct for that 90 minutes. Once that 90 minutes were up, the "seize" would be released and the actual/natural numbers would continue to be reported for the rest of the night.)
When a precinct is "seized for ratio manipulation", the real numbers flow in prior and after. Once a precinct or multiple precincts are "released from seizure", the algorithm has new targets that are taken over and "seized" and the process keeps repeating all night, through many precincts, until the "KEY NUMBER" of votes that were initially input has been "secured"... Democrats love to "SECURE" elections... TIME MAGAZINE.
So, fixing it as best as we can with what we have. DISCARD all votes that were reported DURING a seized time period. Set that vote total aside. Calculate the TOTALS from BEFORE/AFTER Seizing period. Find your average. Divide the "Set aside phony votes that were ratio manipulated", using the REAL percentage from the prior/after REAL results... once allocated, you have a high reliability assumption of the real results.
This election was not close, not at all. In order for the cheaters to get their desired numbers, they had to FLIP and DELETE millions of votes, taking them away from Trump, giving some to Biden, giving some to 3rd party and outright erasing many from the history books altogether.
Again, their problem, why the computer cheating failed was due to the underestimation of voter turnout and how that additional turnout HEAVILY sided with Trump. Their projected SAFE NUMBER to ensure a Biden 51% win, was sunk by the RED WAVE of the late Trump momentum of election day votes.
That is why voting had to stop. All the votes were in, it was over and done. They simply lied, stated MORE VOTES DUE IN, the "Total reported in for almost all these locations was stuck at 97% for tens of thousands of votes, because they had to increase their "max expected turnout" so the fraud would stay hidden.
The computer cheaters did not count on the other cheaters to be so over the top in their responses, no communications, no coordination was ready for what happened due to that RED WAVE.
Tabulators OFF, scanners humming, fraud ballots flying thru over and over again. When they turned the tabulators back on... OH FUCKING SHIT< SPIKE SPIKE SPIKE! That is when we can see the VERTICLE line spike up in votes for Biden. That is how they fucked up.
The transmitted reports from precinct to central tabulation happened once. The data was ratio'd via the Ballot Marking Devices (BMD) +ImageCastMachines (IC) (printer/scanners that make digital ballot images), OR by the BMD alone, or by the IC alone. Could have started with BMDs preprogrammed to a fixed ratio and set to turn ON and OFF at specific times, then additional cheating could have been done later by Central connecting into any ImageCast machines that were online or had connectivity. (maybe all of the ICs were connected, maybe some were, we don't know).
Regardless, the data was transmitted correctly for about the first 20% of the total expected vote, then the modifications kicked in, cascading throughout nearly all precincts that they NEEDED to target for changes. Believe it or not, the MOST vote FLIPPING happened in REPUBLICAN heavy counties. These counties REALLY showed up for Trump, some of them hitting 85% turnout and having 75% of the vote to Trump.
Cheaters targetted these areas because they could STEAL around 15-20% of that 75% Trump vote, give it to Biden, or just delete it to make Trumps overall numbers lower and make him look less popular. Had they not stolen from Trump and deleted from Trump, then Trump would have likely (across all 50 states) gotten well over 100,000,000 votes. If you didn't flip/delete those Trump votes, how could you possibly justify him losing? How could you even CREATE enough Biden votes without FLIPPING them from Trump to Biden, or without DELETING Trumps votes? You can't, you simply cannot. Trump would get 100,000,000 and Biden 101,000,000? LOL, Ok. That is rediculous and why they didn't go that route. The route they took ended up rediculous anyway.
The fraud is so simply. Look at the NATIONAL Total Number of Registered Legal Voters. Look at the Officially Reported PERCENTAGE of Voter Participation this year based on all 50 states POLL BOOKS (that is the record of PEOPLE< REAL PEOPLE who signed their name in to get access to vote). The POLL BOOKS state around 67% of the TOTAL voted.
When you take 67% of the Total Legal Number Nationally Registered, you have a problem. You come up SHORT tens of million voter by the poll books.
It took weeks for us to figure it all out, but there is this massive deep cheating AI/algorithm.
Basically, they pick a final percentage of what they want for a states totals. Say 51% Biden, 48% Trump, 1% 3rd party. They use past voting data and polling expectation to guess the 2020 turnout. So all they have to do is tell the cheating program, the "expected turnout statewide" and the "final %'s they desire". The program does the rest, by the following.
The cheating program knows all the precincts and it is aware of the number of registered voters in each of those. So if the STATE has a 65% turnout, then the cheating program knows how many voters from each precinct it will need to manipulate in order to obtain that final desired percentage.
The cheating cannot be constant, it has to "move around" to hide itself or it would be too easy to find. You cant just say, ok have all the precincts report 51% for Biden, too obvious. So what you do is, you DON'T CHEAT AT ALL, until around 20% of the vote is in, once you have the REAL RESULTS of 20% of your expected total vote, you will get a very accurate trend that you can then use prior voting history per precinct to make an educated guess on what the final numbers WOULD be if left unchanged.
So, you want Biden to get 51% and Trump 48% and 1% others. The first 20% of the ACTUAL REAL results has Trump at 70%, Biden 25% and others at 5%.
So what needs to happen to get Trump DOWN from 70% to 48%, and Biden UP from 25% to 51% and other from 5% to 1%? MATH needs to happen, and it needs to be sneaky.
So basically, the cheaters now have the following information: a) Past vote totals b) polling enthusiasm c) 2020 expected turnout down to the precinct level based on secret polling not publicly released. d) REAL election results from the first 20% returns. e) The DESIRED FINAL OUTCOME
Now, if you have 10 precincts in a state, (this is all lowballed to make it easier to understand), 5 of them vote REP, and 5 DEM. However the 5 REP precincts go harder on REP and the 5 DEM are weaker. Meaning the average REP are 80% TRUMP, while the DEM are only 60% BIDEN.
To keep it believable, you cannot simply modifiy all these with the same ratios because a school that votes 2,000 people with average over the past 20 years having only 400 of them vote Democrat, if that school votes 2,000 people and all a sudden 1500 of them went Democrat, you'd have an ANTRIM MICHIGAN on your hands and people would notice and call it out.
So this cheating program has to know more information and it does!
Same example, the school that 2,000 usually vote at, but there are 4,000 people registered there to vote. The average turnout is around 50%. Well, there is some overhead, if more votes are needed, you could ADD up to 2,000 more voters, but that would give a 100% turnout and red flags.
However, due to this historical voting, mail in ballots the number of participants should be much higher according to fake news. So if they had 3,000 people show up, they could still justify it. So what would reasonable numbers be in one of the harder going REP precincts that are 80% REP with 2,000 voters? How about we add 800 more votes and give them all to Biden. 2,800 turnout 70%, and instead of 400 votes to Biden and 2,000 to Trump, Biden gets the extra 800 and is now sitting at 1200 votes but that is still too much for Trump, so lets delete 500 of his votes. So now you have 2,300 votes coming out of the precinct, 1,200 Biden and 1,500 Trump. Looks good, do it. If the cheating software is tied into the ballot marking devices, then what happens is when a person votes for Trump they can either QR code it to discard that vote, or change the QR code to be for Biden, although the circle will be marked Trump, or the text says Trump.
Only the QR code matters, because when you walk your ballot over to be scanned, the machine eats it and scans the QR code. It will award a ballot to Biden or Trump or other, or just not count it at all... no matter what the TEXT says on the ballot. As a voter you do NOT get feedback at this station, you only get a signal that your vote was counted or it had an error and needs attention. (over/undervote/straymark etc).
So we changed a few things, but we need to balance it out or we risk getting caught. So the physical number of ballots cannot be hacked, except that they can. The Dominion Imagecast has the ability to PRINT ballots. So if you added ballots for Biden and removed ballots for Trump and the numbers did not balance, you could have the imagecast PRINT a follow up ballot, after a voter scans theirs to account for the difference. We added 800 ballots to Biden and deleted 500 Trump votes. So the variable is 300, we need 300 more ballots that are for Biden, so the Imagecast then scans ballots as they are inserted and then it can simply scan/dump the ballot into the locked ballot box and then print a follow up 300 times until that magic number is hit. Now the precinct will balance.
So, yeah that was complicated sorry. That is 1 precinct. EVERY precinct is manipulated. The precincts are only manipulated for about an hour/90 minutes then released and allowed to go back to reporting the real results.
Remember they estimated turnout, they even boosted turnout at the precinct level to give those extra votes to Biden. Well, they allowed the first 20% of results to come in, they took that and extrapolated the percentages against expectations and history. SO what happens when your margin is 48%-51%, but then 10% more people per precinct actually show up to vote and they are almost ALL FOR TRUMP? The computers get fucked up, they cannot balance it. Their numbers are based on X, but they are seeing XX numbers, too many votes to overcome, SHUT IT DOWN BEFORE THEY ALL REPORT 100% and that is what they did. Placed shutdown at 97-99% and sat there for hours while tons of FAKE PRINTED BALLOTS were hand scanned in, blank ballots, Ruby Freeman ballots, TCF Detroit ballots, Philly ballots, Milwaukie ballots, MASSIVE ADJUDICATION to steal Trump votes and give to Biden... they did it all.
Now, why would a true audit where the ballots are READ by the text and not QR code scanned fuck it all up and blow the lid off?
Because remember those 800 ballots we gave Biden? 500 of them will say TRUMP and 300 of them won't have a voter assigned to the barcode. Then, if they did the scan multiple ballots, blank ballots, then their books will be WAY off, exactly like Detroit was 73% off balance pollbooks.
What would happen in our precinct scenario, is the 1,200 Biden ballots and the 1,500 Trump ballots, would actually on PAPER by hand/eye human reading the ballot and marking down a count, you would end up with:
Trump, 1,500 that were counted. 500 ballots that were deleted with a QR code that stated "do not count/discard", and you would end up at 2,000 Trump votes. This be 500 more than he was given credit for... next,
Biden would end up with 400 votes that matched a pollbook, and 800 votes that were not assigned to a voter. Biden would then only be awarded 400 votes that were matched to people who showed up. There would be 800 ballots in the box that SAY Joe Biden but no people to match them against. The fraud would be obvious.
The kicker on this? This happened in all 50 states. Senators were altered, House members altered and the POTUS was altered. Some benefited GOP and some DEM. Whoever is in charge of elections, likes to keep things close for a reason... to make it believable.
The 4 facets of fraud convolute everything. If you ONLY take the numbers from the "seized precincts" that had fixed ratios that were intended to massively manipulate the vote during the smallest timeframe, then the data can be extrapolated to some degree, but will never be perfectly known. Until an actual ballot audit is done, by human only, eye/paper/markings, then compared that to the poll books on WHO came in to vote, we won't know 100%.
Example, Precinct Rose High School, 1,000 voters showed up out of 2,000. 50% voter participation rate.
Is that rate consistent with years prior, if not, how much is it off % wise?
Pollbooks, WHO came to vote, who were the 1,000 voters? How were they registered? Does the % of registered voters match the turnout within an acceptable margin, or is it way off? (example, 700 REP voted, 300 DEM voted; Biden got 600 votes, Trump 400. That is a problem, because that states Biden got DOUBLE the number of votes awarded to him, compared to the number of DEM who actually voted.)
Evaluate the STATE data, find the TIME this precinct was "Seized" and locked at a fixed ratio of vote appropriation. (example, 4 PM till 5:30 PM, 90 minutes this precinct reported a fixed ratio of 9:1 in favor of Biden. So no matter who people voted for, while the vote tallies were reported for that 90 minutes and remember the "bucket process" where votes can be held back and reported in a controlled fashion, every 10 votes, 9 went to Biden and 1 went to Trump. The RATIO was based on the TIME and VOTES counted, to ensure that precinct was responsible for an EXACT number of votes flipped/manipulated, so that when ALL manipulated precincts had completed their reporting, from REAL results and from BUCKET results, that the final outcome would be 51% Biden, 48% Trump and 1% other.)
To correct this, is difficult because of the "bucket" state of votes, we don't know how many votes were put into limbo, compared to how many were reported directly and allowed to pass through the system. (Example, from Noon till 4PM, 400 votes were cast, but only 200 votes were reported over that 4 hours, the other 200 votes were held in the "bucket", because the cheating algorithm knew it needed to "seize and ratio an X number of votes", so then from 4pm till 5:30PM, there were 150 REAL votes reported, but manipulated in the awarding of those votes at a 9:1 ratio favoring Biden. Then additionally the 200 bucketed votes were dumped into the reporting stream and they too were manipulated against the algorithm ratio of 9:1. So in this 90 minute period there were 350 votes tallied and they were assigned 9:1, which would BOOST Biden votes from THAT Precinct for that 90 minutes. Once that 90 minutes were up, the "seize" would be released and the actual/natural numbers would continue to be reported for the rest of the night.)
When a precinct is "seized for ratio manipulation", the real numbers flow in prior and after. Once a precinct or multiple precincts are "released from seizure", the algorithm has new targets that are taken over and "seized" and the process keeps repeating all night, through many precincts, until the "KEY NUMBER" of votes that were initially input has been "secured"... Democrats love to "SECURE" elections... TIME MAGAZINE.
So, fixing it as best as we can with what we have. DISCARD all votes that were reported DURING a seized time period. Set that vote total aside. Calculate the TOTALS from BEFORE/AFTER Seizing period. Find your average. Divide the "Set aside phony votes that were ratio manipulated", using the REAL percentage from the prior/after REAL results... once allocated, you have a high reliability assumption of the real results.
This election was not close, not at all. In order for the cheaters to get their desired numbers, they had to FLIP and DELETE millions of votes, taking them away from Trump, giving some to Biden, giving some to 3rd party and outright erasing many from the history books altogether.
Again, their problem, why the computer cheating failed was due to the underestimation of voter turnout and how that additional turnout HEAVILY sided with Trump. Their projected SAFE NUMBER to ensure a Biden 51% win, was sunk by the RED WAVE of the late Trump momentum of election day votes.
That is why voting had to stop. All the votes were in, it was over and done. They simply lied, stated MORE VOTES DUE IN, the "Total reported in for almost all these locations was stuck at 97% for tens of thousands of votes, because they had to increase their "max expected turnout" so the fraud would stay hidden.
The computer cheaters did not count on the other cheaters to be so over the top in their responses, no communications, no coordination was ready for what happened due to that RED WAVE.
Tabulators OFF, scanners humming, fraud ballots flying thru over and over again. When they turned the tabulators back on... OH FUCKING SHIT< SPIKE SPIKE SPIKE! That is when we can see the VERTICLE line spike up in votes for Biden. That is how they fucked up.
The transmitted reports from precinct to central tabulation happened once. The data was ratio'd via the Ballot Marking Devices (BMD) +ImageCastMachines (IC) (printer/scanners that make digital ballot images), OR by the BMD alone, or by the IC alone. Could have started with BMDs preprogrammed to a fixed ratio and set to turn ON and OFF at specific times, then additional cheating could have been done later by Central connecting into any ImageCast machines that were online or had connectivity. (maybe all of the ICs were connected, maybe some were, we don't know).
Regardless, the data was transmitted correctly for about the first 20% of the total expected vote, then the modifications kicked in, cascading throughout nearly all precincts that they NEEDED to target for changes. Believe it or not, the MOST vote FLIPPING happened in REPUBLICAN heavy counties. These counties REALLY showed up for Trump, some of them hitting 85% turnout and having 75% of the vote to Trump.
Cheaters targetted these areas because they could STEAL around 15-20% of that 75% Trump vote, give it to Biden, or just delete it to make Trumps overall numbers lower and make him look less popular. Had they not stolen from Trump and deleted from Trump, then Trump would have likely (across all 50 states) gotten well over 100,000,000 votes. If you didn't flip/delete those Trump votes, how could you possibly justify him losing? How could you even CREATE enough Biden votes without FLIPPING them from Trump to Biden, or without DELETING Trumps votes? You can't, you simply cannot. Trump would get 100,000,000 and Biden 101,000,000? LOL, Ok. That is rediculous and why they didn't go that route. The route they took ended up rediculous anyway.
The fraud is so simply. Look at the NATIONAL Total Number of Registered Legal Voters. Look at the Officially Reported PERCENTAGE of Voter Participation this year based on all 50 states POLL BOOKS (that is the record of PEOPLE< REAL PEOPLE who signed their name in to get access to vote). The POLL BOOKS state around 67% of the TOTAL voted.
When you take 67% of the Total Legal Number Nationally Registered, you have a problem. You come up SHORT tens of million voter by the poll books.
Check it for yourself.