For 3rd grade you don’t need much for curriculum. The trick will be meeting CA’s requirements - when I homeschooled they were very hard to meet. Dunno what they are now. I pulled my daughter out in 7th grade and homeschooled her through junior year while I worked full time. There are sooo many resources out there now for homeschooling. There is a Homeschool Legal Defense group that has an awesome lawyer who fights to keep homeschooling open for each state. Just start researching. Start with CA’s requirements, what a student should know by the end of 3rd grade and just go. My kids wish I had homeschooled them in elementary school - they didn’t learn what they should (the youngest doesn’t have her multiplication tables memorized still as an engineer and she never learned cursive) - and they were in a good FL school district! Let me know if you have more questions. I’ve been done since 2012 but I learned a lot!
They are now due to Common Core. We got out just before it got really bad. And my girls became engineers so they weren’t subjected to all the elective classes (they used their AP credits for their Gen Ed) in the Florida state college system. I’m seriously thinking about diving into education during the Great Awakening. As a senior engineer it would be a huge pay cut but I’d love to do something meaningful for these kids that have been so screwed all these years...
For 3rd grade you don’t need much for curriculum. The trick will be meeting CA’s requirements - when I homeschooled they were very hard to meet. Dunno what they are now. I pulled my daughter out in 7th grade and homeschooled her through junior year while I worked full time. There are sooo many resources out there now for homeschooling. There is a Homeschool Legal Defense group that has an awesome lawyer who fights to keep homeschooling open for each state. Just start researching. Start with CA’s requirements, what a student should know by the end of 3rd grade and just go. My kids wish I had homeschooled them in elementary school - they didn’t learn what they should (the youngest doesn’t have her multiplication tables memorized still as an engineer and she never learned cursive) - and they were in a good FL school district! Let me know if you have more questions. I’ve been done since 2012 but I learned a lot!
Oh, FL schools are a mess!
They are now due to Common Core. We got out just before it got really bad. And my girls became engineers so they weren’t subjected to all the elective classes (they used their AP credits for their Gen Ed) in the Florida state college system. I’m seriously thinking about diving into education during the Great Awakening. As a senior engineer it would be a huge pay cut but I’d love to do something meaningful for these kids that have been so screwed all these years...