This whole post is about using the n word and people fightimg for it to be allowed but just ignored when not even TDW allows that which is a larger community for the MAGA movement.
This is a Q board meant for reaching out to people nit familiar with it.
So you see where the problem with having people run around spouting that epithet is right?
Same as the infiltrators in the original TD that got it banned.
This has always been a Q board not a catch-all place for anything.
This whole post is about using the n word and people fightimg for it to be allowed but just ignored when not even TDW allows that which is a larger community for the MAGA movement.
This is a Q board meant for reaching out to people nit familiar with it.
So you see where the problem with having people run around spouting that epithet is right?
Same as the infiltrators in the original TD that got it banned.
This has always been a Q board not a catch-all place for anything.