No one should be banned based on word use, but based on context.
There is a word out there that sounds like a racist term but has nothing to do with it:
Niggardly - Someone who is extremely stingy.
The only sin this word committed was that it sounds like the bad word.
I believe the N word can be used if we are discussing it and using it as a historical context. It should also be accept as a term of endearment between friends.
As a racist term, then that's a different problem.
I agree 100%.
I wholeheartedly support the mods and their efforts to keep this place decent and productive. The people who gratuitously use that word are almost undoubtedly shills, or if not that, people with hate soaked hearts that aren’t a credit or contributor to this community.
However, I would hate to see this place turn into a cancel culture hell, like a Papa John’s racial sensitivity phone call that costs Papa John his company or a TCU locker room ( that almost cost the coach his job, just because some honky dares utter “nigger” in the process of making a genuinely constructive and uplifting point.
Yes, context is everything. I would, thus, like to see the heavy-handed mod message that precipitated this discussion to be softened to reflect that we ARE going to be blunt and non-PC here... just not hatefully destructively so.
This is a very well-worded and reasoned comment. I honestly hope you're not banned for mentioning the N-word.
Thank you.
It’s kind of a test.