It's always been a bannable offense, but not without context. To my understanding, some posts have recently been removed that merely used the word but not in a derogatory manner (e.g. as part of a quote).
The mod post in question was merely a strongly worded reminder
One that was not required. No one needed to be reminded to not say it. Essentially no one other than shills was using the word, and warning or threatening shills serves no purpose; if they're banned, they'll just make another account. It would've been far more effectual if the mod who posted the thread had simply warned the community about the increased presence of shills and instructed us to report anyone seen using the N-word. Instead, his "strongly-worded reminder" insinuated that a significant number of legitimate users were saying the word (e.g. "I shouldn't have to say this," and "Stop it, or else"). Any attempts to discuss the issue were met with derision from the mod.
Nothing has been changed.
Not true. This same mod has gone beyond deleting instances of the N-word and has been removing any posts or threads that he deems offensive. For instance, a thread about that black woman who is a BLM supporter that killed her adopted white daughter was removed for "racist overtones." Other threads and posts have been removed for "implied racism." While said posts and threads may be irrelevant in regards to Q and thus put them at odds with the rules, arbitrarily deleting them and justifying it with nebulous claims of racism is disturbingly reminiscent of the censorship on leftist platforms. That his actions and unprofessional behavior are dismissed or even defended by other mods is also a considerable cause for concern.
You literally didn't refute a single point he made. I'd recommend dropping the fallaciousness.
It's always been a bannable offense, but not without context. To my understanding, some posts have recently been removed that merely used the word but not in a derogatory manner (e.g. as part of a quote).
One that was not required. No one needed to be reminded to not say it. Essentially no one other than shills was using the word, and warning or threatening shills serves no purpose; if they're banned, they'll just make another account. It would've been far more effectual if the mod who posted the thread had simply warned the community about the increased presence of shills and instructed us to report anyone seen using the N-word. Instead, his "strongly-worded reminder" insinuated that a significant number of legitimate users were saying the word (e.g. "I shouldn't have to say this," and "Stop it, or else"). Any attempts to discuss the issue were met with derision from the mod.
Not true. This same mod has gone beyond deleting instances of the N-word and has been removing any posts or threads that he deems offensive. For instance, a thread about that black woman who is a BLM supporter that killed her adopted white daughter was removed for "racist overtones." Other threads and posts have been removed for "implied racism." While said posts and threads may be irrelevant in regards to Q and thus put them at odds with the rules, arbitrarily deleting them and justifying it with nebulous claims of racism is disturbingly reminiscent of the censorship on leftist platforms. That his actions and unprofessional behavior are dismissed or even defended by other mods is also a considerable cause for concern.