Videos of 1-6 shown.
Jamie Raskin and another guy (didn't catch his name) argued that 1) Senate has power to try impeachment, 2) Something, something about "January Exception", 3). President Trump Is being impeached for "inciting a violent insurrection in 1-6-2021.
My Questions;
When did President Trump's Speech end?
When did this "Chaos" start at the Capitol?
Was that a "high crime and misdemeanor"? By whom?
Does the evidence prove that President Trump "incite insurrection?"
Does Jamie Raskin and his team really believe his own words?
More in a reply...
Though they showed the video, I think today is about the Constitutionality of the impeachment.
Interesting that they choose to focus all this hoopla on themselves in Wasjington, DC...not US.
Uh oh. They are already trying to play the sympathy card. Forgive me Lord, for that last sentence. It was not kind and loving.