Sub fired trident missile off coast of Florida?
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post screen cap for those who dont use ig.
wait......a Trident 2 D5 missle???? D5?????
Dumb question.... what happened to the missle?
It's in the drink somewhere.
Twatter warning....
Looks like a missile test?
Timing is suspicious.
WE have tested before. Not unprecedented.
The timing is suspicious. Considering the fact that we are at COGON2, one would think a little heads up would be warranted. Then again...
They've done this a couple times off the California coast over the last 6 years. I mean your point still stands as population requires humans with brains but thought I'd share anyways lol.
Posted by pray4America aka sciencesplat from youtube
They called it a UFO ??
more tax dollars gone to waste
Looks just like a Trident contrail: