I have a pet lion named Nig. When he gets angry, he grrs! Nig grrs allllll the time. Damn Nig even grrs when I'm trying to sleep. Nig grrs when I'm watering my plants. Nig grrs constantly.
But at least that's better than my bird. My birds name is Poo. Not only is he paralyzed, he also can't smell, taste, or touch. The only thing he can do is see. Poo see's, that's all.
if you were Shill news spy which defaming line would you push to normies:
a. Crazy town Q-uh-non white supremacist and their hatefilled message boards filled with hurling insults like The N word to one another
b. Crazy town Q-uh-non white supremacist and their hatefilled message boards filled with hurling insults like cracker to one another
Cracker was never a racist slur it was popularized into a fake one in the 70s. It originated from the pioneer/frounteer era farm lands and south where poor white men would crack whips over cattle to drive them forward. The word was more tide to being poor (thought being any man working his own or another man's field was poor cracker standing behind the asses of cows cracking a whip) than being white OTHER THAN the fact that white people back in the day hated poor whites [more than their property (slaves)] as they *shouldn't be poor. Blackspoitation usurped the name...like cracker meant the white massah's whip whipping slaves....but....think about it...if white people hate blacks and would theoretically enjoy causing them pain...why would that be an insult rather than a badge of honor...the person with a whip in that situ is not in the weaker position.
I have a pet lion named Nig. When he gets angry, he grrs! Nig grrs allllll the time. Damn Nig even grrs when I'm trying to sleep. Nig grrs when I'm watering my plants. Nig grrs constantly.
But at least that's better than my bird. My birds name is Poo. Not only is he paralyzed, he also can't smell, taste, or touch. The only thing he can do is see. Poo see's, that's all.
Try shilling here instead:
Are you upset for some reason?
Why are you interested in the flavor of boots?
Did your programming break?
Its called having respect. Why is that so hard to understand?
I do agree that banning one should mean banning all.
But we don't also need to keep shitting out the word either.
Bye ?
Crackers don't get offended easily. The same cannot be said for "other" groups
How many times have you seen cracker used here?
if you were Shill news spy which defaming line would you push to normies:
a. Crazy town Q-uh-non white supremacist and their hatefilled message boards filled with hurling insults like The N word to one another
b. Crazy town Q-uh-non white supremacist and their hatefilled message boards filled with hurling insults like cracker to one another
Give it a rest!!