Very interesting situation that we can learn from, with all this talk of "banning words"...
Should show us the kind of mental habits that our new Republic will need to ditch once this goes down. Otherwise, we'll be right back in the same f-king boat.
PC/"wokeness" ( I utterly despise that word ???) should be the first load of shit to go. It has been a destructive force that has so badly wrecked our daily lives and relationships across society, that even for us on the tip of the spear, it's sometimes hard to not default to it.
We will all need to relearn things, such as what our condition really says, what free speech really is, etc. We should never again accept emotionalism and 'offendedness' as groundrules. I'm sure the citizenry had to learn all these things too when the nation was first set up.
Very interesting what we can learn, with all this talk of "banning words": It's showing us the mental habits that our new Republic will need to get rid of once this goes down. Otherwise, we'll be right back in the same f-king boat.
PC/"wokeness" (I utterly despise that word ??) should be the first load of shit to go. It has been a destructive force that has so badly wrecked our daily lives and relationships across society, that even for us on the tip of the spear, it's sometimes hard to not default to it.
We will all need to relearn things, such as what our constitution really says, what free speech really is, etc. This will be a complete overhauling of our society. Education, especially. We should never again accept emotionalism and 'offendedness' and insanity as groundrules. I'm sure the citizenry had to learn all these things too when the nation was first set up.
"Dog" shall become dead.DEAD,DEAD,DEAD ! How long more we shall continue this nonsenses dividing us ?
Great Awakening is about Q research,so instead of making wars among us about religion,race,sex, politics or "class" we shall cooperate.Q wants us to cooperate. Instead of me just mods shall glue such post long ago here instead of stupid idea of censoring "n-word" and claiming they would do that. Sorry kids but somebody shall be the adult and clear the mess if you can't
People: we want cabal taken down.Just shut up and do research or do redpilling the normies. Or other useful things if you doubt Q or Trump will save us - the cabal is real for sure. We have a job to do for the God's sake !
more and more people heading to this site to either poo poo Q or try to bring up CRAZY FUCKED UP conspiracy theories that waste time energy and our good name for newbies who honestly come to learn
It doesn't fade away, the signal to noise ratio just keeps going south. This is a tried and true tactic that doesn't require effort or brains which is perfect for the soys that want to ruin a place. We'll have to wade through more flotsam and jetsam on GAW until we become VOAT 2.0. At least we'll be free speech champs though. Honk! Honk!
Very interesting situation that we can learn from, with all this talk of "banning words"...
Should show us the kind of mental habits that our new Republic will need to ditch once this goes down. Otherwise, we'll be right back in the same f-king boat.
PC/"wokeness" ( I utterly despise that word ???) should be the first load of shit to go. It has been a destructive force that has so badly wrecked our daily lives and relationships across society, that even for us on the tip of the spear, it's sometimes hard to not default to it.
We will all need to relearn things, such as what our condition really says, what free speech really is, etc. We should never again accept emotionalism and 'offendedness' as groundrules. I'm sure the citizenry had to learn all these things too when the nation was first set up.
Exciting times!
Very interesting what we can learn, with all this talk of "banning words": It's showing us the mental habits that our new Republic will need to get rid of once this goes down. Otherwise, we'll be right back in the same f-king boat.
PC/"wokeness" (I utterly despise that word ??) should be the first load of shit to go. It has been a destructive force that has so badly wrecked our daily lives and relationships across society, that even for us on the tip of the spear, it's sometimes hard to not default to it.
We will all need to relearn things, such as what our constitution really says, what free speech really is, etc. This will be a complete overhauling of our society. Education, especially. We should never again accept emotionalism and 'offendedness' and insanity as groundrules. I'm sure the citizenry had to learn all these things too when the nation was first set up.
Exciting times!
"Dog" shall become dead.DEAD,DEAD,DEAD ! How long more we shall continue this nonsenses dividing us ? Great Awakening is about Q research,so instead of making wars among us about religion,race,sex, politics or "class" we shall cooperate.Q wants us to cooperate. Instead of me just mods shall glue such post long ago here instead of stupid idea of censoring "n-word" and claiming they would do that. Sorry kids but somebody shall be the adult and clear the mess if you can't
People: we want cabal taken down.Just shut up and do research or do redpilling the normies. Or other useful things if you doubt Q or Trump will save us - the cabal is real for sure. We have a job to do for the God's sake !
more and more people heading to this site to either poo poo Q or try to bring up CRAZY FUCKED UP conspiracy theories that waste time energy and our good name for newbies who honestly come to learn
It doesn't fade away, the signal to noise ratio just keeps going south. This is a tried and true tactic that doesn't require effort or brains which is perfect for the soys that want to ruin a place. We'll have to wade through more flotsam and jetsam on GAW until we become VOAT 2.0. At least we'll be free speech champs though. Honk! Honk!
Should we allow people to come in and shit on Q and call us conspiracist losers as well, I mean free speech right?
Sure, but does it add any value to an argument?
Censorship starts just how it is here. Innocent and with good intentions. Just remember that.
No if it is shilling and dividing. Hadn't I mentioned Q drop 4535 ? It probably shall be treated like forum policy about posts.
If they are just shitting and calling losers try to redpill first, deporting next.
TRIZT1340 - this is site for Q supporters - if you don't - please, I beg you to find another site to monger
I agree and those that don't support Q should head over to a different site.