Some bad man some long time ago once said...
Out of all the feverishly intelligent people who roam this forum... I never would've thought you lads would forget. "The best way to control your opposition is to lead it yourself". I can guarentee you one thing. What a perfect way to pacify those who are willing and wanting to bring great change, end corruption, ect. The best change doesn't come from sitting in your house. If this isn't up or my acct. banned, you can safely assume that the people in charge or in control of this site do not want actual change, but to actually pacify you.
i heard this argument plenty of times but it falls flat.
we all voted. donated. called our senators. constantly bringing the facts to the normies.
date fagging and claims made from random people is what hurt the movement. Q and digital soldiers are two different things. if you knew what Q was you'd know this.
we did the most out of everyone to enact change and sitting in your house is not a bad thing. its called doing research. something you didn't do.
so no there is no leader. there is Q and there is anons. that's it. nothing more than that
Calling your senators is not trying to be active in your community for fucks sake. Voting isn't either. The fact that you fail to realize that their (congress) rhetoric is nothing more of a grand illusion, when they in fact work together behind closed doors to continue fucking the Amerocan population, it blows my mind.
you dumb piece of shit we did everything including everything i said. that also means creating networks. starting business to rival the left. we did it all along with the rest of the trump supporters. so what the fuck else do you suggest? the left is asleep. waking up isn't easy. its an everyday battle and its either your apart of i or the one trying to spew negativity like you. pick one
That being said, you're right. The left is beyond asleep, that's an understatement. I agree with much of what you said, but when you attack me without knowing a single fucking thing about me, you reap what you sew.
While you attack me calling me a shill without knowing a single thing about me? Or how about you attack someone on their spelling while you confuse sew with sow?
I'm calling you out for hypocrisy.
Look up the definition of sew.
Alright dumb ass look up the definition of reap.
Because there is no way 'You reap what you sew' is the saying.
Nobody reaps what they're stitching.
How about you look up the difference between sow and see.
Woosh. Everything here I've talked about is ideas. Piecing together ideas. Critical thinking. Analysis. Clearly the clever dig at changing the odage flew right over your head. If I was talking about a movement of planting seeds, sow might have been better wording.
Looks like you really need a refresher on context.
Since you cannot even spell businesses correctly, I assume you ran quite a few of them into the dirt. Give me a break, ffs. ALL the quote is meant to do is REMIND you this has been going on for A LONG TIME. The same old tried and true tactic continues to work because people FORGET HISTORY and FALL BACK into the same fucking traps.
im sorry but does the truth always come in a pretty package? no. so talking about my spelling isnt going to change what i said about Q .im just sick of the Q is a pysop bullshit and people believing we have leaders like fucking no
Continue to assume things about me that you have no idea about. Do you see my username? Have you ever done a single ounce of your own fucking research without someone telling you where to look?
if someone told you where to look and it led you to the truth then that is also research. im sorry you don't understand such a simple concept and at this point you don't even need to do research to know china is at war with us
Regardless of what China has done with us, their ethnic genocide of Ughuys, Christians, Tibetians, and so on is enough to warrant war. You are right, it is research. However, it doesn't give you the right to claim that I haven't followed Q since 2017 as I have, while at the same time compiling my own research into things such as the artifical super intelligence being designed by Google in conjunction with 5g rollout that is NOT DESIGNED FOR HUMANS, but for AI that can make a million decisions before any human can even interpret what transpired, ect. There is many great dangers we face.
so then how on fucking earth do you believe the mods of the website are here to pacify us. no one here is pacified. we are all awake and mad as hell
Not once did I claim that the mods are here to pacify us, I support and love this community as I allude to in the opening sentence. It was a mere warning and generalized statement that doesn't even necessarily refer to Q. It refers to ANY information given or released. When the government is so compromised as has been proven time and time again, by the same influences (communism) that were prevelant in other movements (ones that tried to disarm the populations, suppress information, ect., starting to see any parallels?) and using a quote from a man who led some of the worst atrocities our world has seen... When someone tells me to sit back and do not a fucking thing, I percieve that as dangerous. Should I be shamed for that? Who knows, but do I care? No. I will warn others to be open to any and every side. Not everything is a one size fits all, there's many ways this could end. The worst way for it to end would be everyone sitting in their homes doing nothing! Does that mean burn down your local church or attack the military men and women who stand for this Great Nation? No.
Both friends and foes look identical online.
Skepticism is needed everywhere information is exchanged.
"Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done since you climbed off your horse" - Little Finger
Thank you for the reminder
Edit: Quote correction
You are very right. They do. I'm just sharing with others that while trusting "the plan", if it suits you then please help yourself to it, but as to trust any plan and not be proactive yourself is very nearly a sin. That's all. I wish the best to everyone, everywhere. Just testing the waters and seeing what people have to say.
Oh stfu. All this over a word? Go home
Don't be silly! He is doing something!
He's trying to lead us to the Promised land!
He want us rioting and fighting the national guard!
And while stirring shit up he also wants us to know that when the mods ban him, it was because he's black and they're trying silence his golden message!
? what a shill you must be.
Hey buddy your the one telling everyone that they're being pacified by the mods on this site.
As far as I know we're anons here, and we think try to for ourselves.
Instead of casting doubt on everyone, how about you provide me examples of your theory on pacification.
Otherwise your stirring the pot with no sauce.
I never ever claimed the mods are here to pacify us. Please point and quote me saying that. I can quote your own words. Appearently, according to you, being proactive means "rioting and fighting the national guard". Your words not mine. You tried to put those words in my mouth, as any shill would. Looks like you have taken note from the left.
"If this isn't up or my acct. banned, you can safely assume that the people in charge or in control of this site do not want actual change, but to actually pacify you"
Here it is, your claim of pacification. If the mods silence you for any reason you want us to be informed a head of time that it's because they're here to pacify us.
It could be because your a cunt who know. How about I use critical analysis on your manner of discourse.
False. Who shit in your Cheerios. Please tell me you aren't always this much a shitter. I'd hate to be remotely close to any facet of your life ? You're no different from the bullshit mainstream media. IGNORE the big ol' IF and claim that I think they are here to pacify us. What a joke. Learn a little bit. You need a big refresher on the basics of the English language. In the scenario I say "If I win the lottery", with your logic I am claiming that I won the lottery. What a fool.
I don't get why you attack me on my English while you've clearly demonstrated your allowed to mash ideas and idioms and words.
But God forbid anyone else from being less than your perfect grasp of the English language.
It's not my English that is the problem, nor my comprehension.
You set this shit post up, but attacked damnsonq because it went over his head. And you belittled him.
Like I said for what ever your intentions might be with your shit post you still come across as a hypocrite.
Rules for thee but not for me?
And lastly you think I missed the 'if', not true. Your last statement read like this " If I get banned it's most likely because the mods seek pacification.
And for your information no Cheerios.
Edit: I don't claim to be even halfway perfect.