Some bad man some long time ago once said...
Out of all the feverishly intelligent people who roam this forum... I never would've thought you lads would forget. "The best way to control your opposition is to lead it yourself". I can guarentee you one thing. What a perfect way to pacify those who are willing and wanting to bring great change, end corruption, ect. The best change doesn't come from sitting in your house. If this isn't up or my acct. banned, you can safely assume that the people in charge or in control of this site do not want actual change, but to actually pacify you.
"If this isn't up or my acct. banned, you can safely assume that the people in charge or in control of this site do not want actual change, but to actually pacify you"
Here it is, your claim of pacification. If the mods silence you for any reason you want us to be informed a head of time that it's because they're here to pacify us.
It could be because your a cunt who know. How about I use critical analysis on your manner of discourse.
False. Who shit in your Cheerios. Please tell me you aren't always this much a shitter. I'd hate to be remotely close to any facet of your life ? You're no different from the bullshit mainstream media. IGNORE the big ol' IF and claim that I think they are here to pacify us. What a joke. Learn a little bit. You need a big refresher on the basics of the English language. In the scenario I say "If I win the lottery", with your logic I am claiming that I won the lottery. What a fool.
I don't get why you attack me on my English while you've clearly demonstrated your allowed to mash ideas and idioms and words.
But God forbid anyone else from being less than your perfect grasp of the English language.
It's not my English that is the problem, nor my comprehension.
You set this shit post up, but attacked damnsonq because it went over his head. And you belittled him.
Like I said for what ever your intentions might be with your shit post you still come across as a hypocrite.
Rules for thee but not for me?
And lastly you think I missed the 'if', not true. Your last statement read like this " If I get banned it's most likely because the mods seek pacification.
And for your information no Cheerios.
Edit: I don't claim to be even halfway perfect.
You should go through and re read. I didn't say shit til he used multiple derogatory terms. Why are you still so set on this? It was not meant to put that much of a burden on your day. Look at how others kindly posted and I kindly responded. Keep believing this is a shit post, I don't care to see into your fantasy world. If you have a problem eith the real world, this post isn't where you should discuss said problems.
Literally not til he called me a dumb piece of shit, that was when I bashed back. Should I have just taken the high road? Yeah sure that can clearly be argued.
No need for the high road, how about " Hey dumb ass, this is a shit post plz reread. All you did with your replies was compound, instead of enlighten.
And personally I didn't really care to much, I'm on my way to work and don't mind bashing ideas to wake up in the morning.
Honestly why was I called a shill by you? If your so smart what and who was I shilling for?