Madeleine Dean is not only opening the door, but she is making it a huge part of the Dems' case against Trump. How dare he question the election?
Easy pickings for Trump's team to play tape after tape of Dems questioning election results ... not to mention calling Trump's 2016 election illegitimate to this very day.
These people are stupid.
Drop the evidence then the mic! This is so easy for team Trump. They makes the whole thing about the “lie” once that is debunked the whole thing falls apart.
Apparently each side has 16 hours to make their case. The Trump team will have more than enough time to make the world piss its pants.
All they need to do is play the 3 hour Pillow Fraud documentary. They don't even need 16 hours
'Pillow Fraud Documentary' LMAO
From now on, when I share it with normies, this is how I will propose it to them.
LOL I'm literally laughing out loud. That is hilarious, Pillow Fraud Documentary KEK
They should make them sit though it all 16 hours. Fuck the cheats