We must be on the right track! I was blown away by the feedback and discussions from my first two posts! I am so blessed and ETERNALLY grateful to each of you who has contributed! Thank you! This has developed into something truly amazing. And to those seeing this for the first time, I encourage you to get up to speed from the Intro and Part 1 and I also encourage you to contribute anything you feel is related, small or big, fun facts, your own POVs, maybe see if you can hold a candle to the hamster wheel that is my noggin. Real quick, shoutouts to the following for exceptional contributions: u/LurkerWill u/FlowerPotz u/Lerrick u/TheFozz I pray for the day we can discuss this further, maybe with those Fragrant Trees Enoch speaks of. Off we go, In Part 1, I dig into the background of "The Book of Enoch", players involved, the story, its relation to my faith's teachings (Catholic/Christian), relation to recent HAPPENINGS, and my theory of what it all means/where we're headed. The 3 topics that I introduced in part 1 were:
- Georgia Guidestones
- Quantum Theory/Physics
- Faith/Belief in a "Higher Power" After reading Enoch, it was my opinion that these 3 things shared consistencies with the text. I touched on 1 & 3 the most in Part 1, but 2 will be center stage this time and hopefully it will tie everything together. This might get a little Revelationsy later on "The "Looking Glass" and our advancements in technology, that we know about, has been tackling quantum theory/physics for awhile now. The Tesla papers (fully declassified) may even have the blueprints for this sort of thing. That being said, "time travel" or reaching other "astral planes" may entirely be possible. (research hollow earth theories)" Quoted From Part 1 Remember when I said DJT "favorite uncle" John George Trump was an American electrical engineer, inventor, and physicist? And that he was noted for developing rotational radiation therapy, furthermore, x-rays? He was a professor at MIT for 35+ years. During his tenure, he achieved many accolades. (King's Medal, President's Certificate of Merit, Lamme Medal, and National Medal of Science were the most noteworthy) BA from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (electrical engineering), Masters from Columbia (Physics), Doctorate from MIT (electrical engineering) Long story short, this guy had electrons firing on all cylinders. In his brain and inventions. Where it gets interesting is who he worked with throughout his career. He was an aide to physicist, Karl Compton radar, and he worked with physicist, Alfred Lee Loomis LORAN, both during WWII. Uncle Trump (Trunkle?), most famously worked with Robert J. Van De Graaff (yet another physicist AND MIT prof) on, as I mentioned previously, x-rays. Specifically, one of the first MILLION-VOLT X-ray generators. Electrical engineer + Physicist(s) + High voltage phenomena = Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was an inventor and engineer, who created a coil STILL USED in modern radio technology, amongst many other innovations. AND he briefly worked with Thomas Edison. Coincidentally, some of the technology developed by Tesla, was later used by John G. Trump (JGT) which led to X-ray/Radiation. Later on in life, Tesla explored and theorized about Free energy, invisibility, "Death Ray", antigravity, and TIME TRAVEL! Two days after Nikola Tesla's death, who other than the F-B=I's own J. Edgar Hoover, reaches out to JGT. The FB-guys I mentioned above, ordered the "Alien Property Custodian" (now Office of take the fun out of everything Foreign Assets Control) to SEIZE Tesla's belongings, even though he was an American citizen. The National Defense Research Committee asked JGT to review Tesla's research. After three days, JGT determined that there wasn't anything of substance to Tesla's research. He knew what those notes contained, and he knew the gravity of the situation. Blueprints to a time machine, "Death Ray", Lord knows what else, would be APOCALYPTIC if they fell in the wrong hands. JGT thought that Tesla's theories we plausible, but the technology was not available in that time. JGT died in 1985, but not before bequeathing Sparky's FULL research to his nephew, Donald J. Trump. Side Quest. Research more on the "Death Ray" and come back and discuss:
- This 3/16/16
- And This 12/25/20 That is where I'll end THAT side of things. If you'd like to dig deeper look up "John Titor" you're welcome Now since we established the possibility of quantum teleportation, we now can say it's possible to break astral planes or dimensions. This leads to the "Hollow Earth" Theory and back to the Book of Enoch. Specifically heaven/hell. People have believed that there is another world lying beneath the surface of our planet. To a number of cultures, Greeks for example it is a bad place filled with the souls of the dead. But most of these early beliefs were metaphorical or mythological in origin. Dating back to the 17th Century, "Hollow Earth", theorized that the planet is actually hollow. This idea has proved incredibly plausible, even after 300 years of advancing technology and understanding. The theory is that the shell of the Earth is about 800 miles thick, from the outside to the inner surface. Half the planet is taken up by surface weight, and then hollow/void, and then, suspended in the center of that hollow is an interior sun that is divided by day/night sides of the Earth. Also part of the Hollow Earth theory is that near the North/South pole are substantial "openings" that lead INTO the interior. Photo Photo 2 One of the first to speculate about a Hollow Earth, believe it or not, is Edmund Halley. Halley's Comet. In 1692, he proposed an idea that tried to explain anomalous compass readings. Somehow he came up with a theory that the planet is a series of nested, spherical shells, spinning in different directions, all surrounding a central core. In his estimation, based on readings of the magnetic field and what he knew of the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon on Earth. This model could account for any inaccuracies in his readings of the magnetic fields of the planet. He also thought that the space between each shell may have had luminous atmospheres capable of supporting life. This theory developed into a version that included huge holes at the North and South poles which allowed access to the hidden world inside. Developed by John Cleves Symmes, Jr., "Symmes Holes" Symmes believed that the interior of the Earth not only could, but DID support life, saying in Circular No. 1, that the inside of the Earth would be “stocked with thrifty vegetables and animals, if not men.” Symmes believed that his theory was not science fiction, but science fact, and that it applied not only to the Earth, but too all planetary bodies. To him, the whole universe was hollow. Among most believers, the inside of the Hollow Earth is a paradise that very likely houses an advanced race of humans/aliens/giants. Enoch In most scenarios, the inhabitants are the descendants of ancient races such as the Lemurians or the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, guided there through the North polar opening by God himself. No matter where they come from, they are generally characterized as peace-loving, and advanced far beyond our own. They have flying saucer technology. They live lives of perfect health for hundreds of years. Their science is much more advanced because they live much longer lives. Enoch Enoch This inner world is sometimes called or associated with Agartha, a legendary city at the Earth’s core often tied to Eastern mysticism. This was the picture that introduced me to Hollow Earth Back to the question, "If it is to be believed that the Earth is in fact hollow, and home to all manner of super-race and megafauna, why have we never contacted them, or gone there?" According to Rodney Cluff, author of "World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow", "We have, but an international banking conspiracy has worked to cover up the existence of the Hollow Earth, and hide evidence of any Symmes Holes." "This sort of paranoid, conspiratorial thinking tends to be another hallmark among modern Hollow Earth believers, because, really there is no other force that could be keeping us from engaging with the wonders of the inner Earth, given our current level of technology and exploratory freedom." One of the most compelling pieces of evidence for Hollow Earth, is a supposed secret journal entry by Admiral Richard Byrd, who claimed to be the first person to fly over the North and South pole. According to believers, Byrd’s secret journal from 1947, included a report of flying into one of the Symmes Holes, and making contact with the race that lives inside the Earth. This too has been hidden from public knowledge. Through the mid-2000s and into the early 2010s, Cluff was actually a part of a long expedition known most recently as the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition. Unfortunately, after a number of setbacks including backers and members of the team falling victim to calamities ranging from cancer to fatal plane crashes, the expedition was put on hiatus. Cluff believes that the various setbacks to the project are the work of the international banking conspiracy, but is hopeful that they will someday be able to get funding, and a new expedition leader to help continue the project! In conclusion of Part 2, if you can't see all of this starting to overlap, then I don't know what else to say. Personally, I'm starting to get more convinced, with the more research I do. Please keep in mind this is just a theory. P.S. I think this may be my last post focusing on Enoch, however I will continue posting these if you all would like this discussion to continue. If you keep eating, I'll keep cooking. On deck: Book of Giants, Revelations, and Daniel. Thanks in advance for the feedback and discussion. You guys have taught me more than I could have ever learned on my own. WWG1WGA God Bless. Sauce:
- 1
- Cluff's Website
- Alien Property Custodian
- John Trump: 5 Facts
- Nikola Tesla
- John G. Trump
"...This leads to the "Hollow Earth" Theory...."
Because that sort of thing mixed into Q discussions would in no way, shape, or form suite a derisive Cabal agenda.