Has anyone watched this video?
This man claims to start the push for turning shitty liberal communities in on themselves. It is a really interesting video, but he claims that he pushed Milo Yiannopoulos into the spotlight during the whole gamergate fiasco.
If you don't know of that shit show, a bunch of female gamers claimed that they were being oppressed when they really were not. A lot of them pulled Smollett like self victimization attempts and got caught.
He claims that he intentionally used 4chan to pretend to be feminist to cause racial divide in the feminist community by dividing black and white feminist, basically making them eat each other alive.
This kind of explains why liberals and leftist are always playing the "who is the wokest" game. Now we see them eating each other alive on Twitter.
Ultimately, he claims that what he started ultimately led to Trump being in office. He started this whole thing to collapse the control of the establishment. What do you guys think?
It sounds to me like he's a bee that landed on the tallest dandelion in the field... and was shouting "I'm the King of the World!!!"
He does seem a bit conceited, but what he talks about makes a lot of sense. A lot of our demise is due to globalism. Once we outsourced labor and destroyed a bunch of communities, we started to degrade as a culture and lose our morals. It makes a lot of sense.
I lived in NJ for a while and I saw how bad these cities were once industrialism left to China. He talks about abortion not being a woman's choice, but it was the only option that women had because they simply could not afford to raise children. People turned to drugs to cope and families were destroyed. Women started to spin it that way to avoid guilt. You can see a pattern of feminism justifying really immoral stuff to remove the guilt associated with it.