757 Regarding PEDOTUS blocking travel from Florida: THERE IS NO OUTBREAK IN FLORIDA - I live here. Full restaurants in Brevard. No masks. No outbreaks. 100% FAKE FUCKING NEWS ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️ posted 4 years ago by Oh_Well_ian 4 years ago by Oh_Well_ian +758 / -1 . 230 comments share 230 comments share save hide report block hide replies
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Could just be an allergic reaction to wearing a mask if he wore one too
More psychological. Fear brings that which is feared.
I can hear your voice rising when I read this. Because I've said the same thing hitting people over the fucking head with it
Never got sick and lost my sense of taste or smell for a month after before last February...
It's real, it was manufactured in a lab, its over exaggerated though.
this is a symptom of the flu
who cares.
Some cases worse than others. Glad you both recovered but still no reason to shut down the entire world.
Covid is real, there have been Corona virus for decades.
The pandemic is fake.
They changed reporting standarda that have been in place for decades in March.
Yes I have a rash too - mine is from the pollen in the air !!!