posted ago by yudsfpbc ago by yudsfpbc +41 / -0
  • 1990s: Find Christ, repent, begin making changes in every aspect of my life to be more aligned with his teachings.
  • Early 90s: The idea hit me: Everything the democrats stand for is 100% contrary to God's plan for us! They are demons!
  • 1994: Whew! Newt Gingrich can save us! Finally the republicans -- the good guys -- are in charge! America is going to be restored and we can get rid of those demons.
  • 1996: What the? Why'd we re-elect the demon in chief Clinton? I thought the people don't want that? The election results seem awfully funny.
  • 1999: We need a strong republican leader who will champion fiscal and moral conservatism.
  • 2000: No, GWB wasn't my first or second or third choice... but I guess he can win?
  • 2002: OK, repubs, you've had 2 years to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING!! The War on Terror is a distraction. We need to stop the demons!
  • 2004: Seriously? Alright, fine, I'll get GWB re-elected. I'm sure any day now he will do SOMETHING, ANYTHING!!
  • 2006: (Me at phone bank): Yes, sir, I understand you are upset with the republicans. They had 6 years to do something, But you and I both know the democrats are evil. We can't let them win? What do you mean there is no difference? Well, you're not entirely wrong, but...
  • 2008: America is lost. Guns, God, and Going Galt.
  • 2010: Maybe the TEA party is going to do this! Look at all these new guys we elected!
  • 2012: More guns, more God, and more Galt.
  • 2015 (Early): OK, which of these republicans is universally despised by all others? Walker seems to make a lot of people angry. Oh, he's out? Let's see.... Cruz! That's the ticket.
  • 2015 (late): Yeah, I guess I support Cruz. He's the only semi-decent candidate and apparently DC hates him. Trump is just an idiot. Don't watch the clowns, they go away.
  • 2016 (early): What do you mean you're voting for Trump? He's an adulterer! A scoundrel! A hack! We need someone who knows how to make DC angry!! Trump is just an idiot!
  • 2016 (mid): "The wall just got ten feet taller!" I think I like this Trump guy. I don't agree with him on anything, but at least he is not a dem. The repubs seem to hate him too. Weird. People seem to like him? You mean he is not just a meme?
  • 2016 (late): Folks! Trump is not an adulterer! It's all lies and optics! He's not who he seems! He's the real deal! Is he conservative? WHO CARES! He loves America! POPULISM FTW!!!
  • 2016 (after the election): What? He WON!!?! He actually WON?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA! DIE DEMONSPAWN! AMERICA ROCKS! MAGA BABAAY!
  • 2017: These charges are nonsense. But I like what Trump is doing. He's the best conservative president we've ever had since... well, ever. You'll have to go back to Coolidge to find someone as good as him. He's EXACTLY what we need as president, and he makes the right people angry.
  • 2018: Yeah, of course you'd lose, republicans! You're not fighting for Trump! He has to drag you kicking and screaming on to tax reform, and you won't lift a finger for him! Besides, it's obvious the election was stolen.
  • 2019: Oh my goodness... he's actually doing it! He's destroying the Deep State! They're going berserk! This is it! The new Republic is coming soon!
  • 2020: There's NO WAY Trump can lose. The virus is just making him more popular. The economic impact is making him more necessary. People love him, they really do. I can't find anyone supporting the dems. The minute someone takes the lead, they get destroyed. And now all they have left is the bottom of the barrel Biden. What a loser!
  • 2020 (election night): YAY! TRUMP WON!! WOOO!!
  • 2020 (next morning): Ok, this is obvious fraud. But that's ok! The republicans haven't raise a kajillion dollars for nothing. And We got all the judge seats and legislatures. Mathematically, it's impossible for Biden to pull it off.
  • 2021: Jan 6: FALSE FLAG. I WISH we stormed the capital and went all French Revolution on them. But it's clear it was a false flag. It's so obvious. If we wanted to storm the capital no one could stop us. And the republicans are clearly part of the deep state - every single one of them. Maybe 2 or 3 patriots among the whole lot -- not enough to keep God from sending fireballs from heaven.
  • 2021: Jan 20: Seriously Trump... why'd you let this happen? That's it, I'm renouncing the government. They are no longer legit. USA 2.0 when?
  • 2021: Today: Well, it's clear to me now. What I thought I knew 30 years ago was all lies. We were watching a movie the entire time. Our governments, all of them, are conspiring against us. It's impossible to find anyone you can trust. Trump has showed me that. I'm ready for a complete reset, back to the original constitution. Guns, God, and GALT!