These extremely expensive blood spatter rugs on Wayfair are very questionable to me, and if they’re so unique why are the costs so different when they look identical?
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the name is the real giveaway. (Google "missing child" + any name they have for an expensive item) https://oag.ca.gov/missing/person/leonid-jacobson
Yes, I knew the names of the furniture pieces is the of the victim it represents... but I didn’t read the description of the rugs until your post. So yeah, the different cost is because each one represents a different victim!
Wonder if who it claims to be made by might be helpful in narrowing the search?
I know this Isabelle brand came up A LOT with the original wayfair shit last year. Maybe that’s why it randomly populated these as suggestions because I haven’t gone on the site since my snooping with the cabinet stuff
Has anyone been able to positively link any of the furniture pieces (the actual missing kids) to a perp/buyer? Has any of the missing kids ever been identified in some of the vids/pics floating around depicting their satanic rituals or something. Just curious.
there was one girl that they used to discredit the entire way fair thing, because she was still alive but it turned out that at one point, she was indeed missing. not sure what the end reasoning of that turned out to be.
There's a group on reddit discussing this. They did a lot more digging
Im not seeing the logo connection. Please point me in the right direction. I dont recognize it as one of the pedo symbols.
I see the connection with Isabelline but not Wayfair.