Well that's pretty damning, I'll give you that, and it doesn't seem like that's something that could be done on accident (i.e. a coincidence, which I don't believe in). I guess I learned something today. Not happy about it but it's something that needs to be done. You know, I've always wondered why pedophilia was the hill that the Q people chose to die on (abortion's the hill I'm currently dying on for the record). That being said I don't have kids, and I bet that if I did my mind would get changed pretty darn fast. I guess I figured that one out too.
My husband and I have nearly resulted to not having our kids watch any TV. It seems like every show they watch has hidden symbols, messages, and meanings.
Well, I'll tell you what, when I was growing up all I got to watch was veggie tales on VHS (ca. early 2000s) so I guess you could say that I was insulated before it was cool :)
I've got toddlers, I let them watch Cocomelon, Paw Patrol, braincandytv and coilbook. No symbols that I've seen yet. It's hard to find much else though.
I'm new here, I don't know what I'm supposed to be seeing. Only thing I'm coming up with is the possible illuminati = triangle thing.
Well that's pretty damning, I'll give you that, and it doesn't seem like that's something that could be done on accident (i.e. a coincidence, which I don't believe in). I guess I learned something today. Not happy about it but it's something that needs to be done. You know, I've always wondered why pedophilia was the hill that the Q people chose to die on (abortion's the hill I'm currently dying on for the record). That being said I don't have kids, and I bet that if I did my mind would get changed pretty darn fast. I guess I figured that one out too.
My husband and I have nearly resulted to not having our kids watch any TV. It seems like every show they watch has hidden symbols, messages, and meanings.
TV, movies, music is all crap full of Satanic symbolism. All of it, forever.
We should have let Joe McCarthy finish his good work in the 50s. He was right you know. What they taught us in school is the lie.
Well, I'll tell you what, when I was growing up all I got to watch was veggie tales on VHS (ca. early 2000s) so I guess you could say that I was insulated before it was cool :)
I've got toddlers, I let them watch Cocomelon, Paw Patrol, braincandytv and coilbook. No symbols that I've seen yet. It's hard to find much else though.