My wife has her Master's in psychology, and I asked her, "How is a guy that thinks he's a woman any different from a schizophrenic that thinks they're Jesus or a lizard person?" She didn't have an answer for me.
Gender Identity Disorder used to be in the DSM 4, basically a dictionary of mental disorders. I know this because my undergrad degree is psychology... I haven’t checked, but it’s probably not classified as a disorder anymore, the DSM 5. I’m guessing that based on how normal it was becoming (ie being forced fed to the masses), before transgender became the thing with the wheaties dude switch.
I think they call gender identity disorder - gender dysphoria now? I’ve seen a few new terms hit the scene in the recent years to justify and normalize the behavior. Point is - transgenderism is not going to be related to a mental disorder... they started paving the way years ago.
But transgender is different still. It used to mean the physical alterations/surgery a person goes through to transform into a different sex (sex change). Seems like you can just choose to be whatever gender you want to be any given day now.
My wife has her Master's in psychology, and I asked her, "How is a guy that thinks he's a woman any different from a schizophrenic that thinks they're Jesus or a lizard person?" She didn't have an answer for me.
The only difference would depend on whether or not they know their delusions are delusions.
Gender Identity Disorder used to be in the DSM 4, basically a dictionary of mental disorders. I know this because my undergrad degree is psychology... I haven’t checked, but it’s probably not classified as a disorder anymore, the DSM 5. I’m guessing that based on how normal it was becoming (ie being forced fed to the masses), before transgender became the thing with the wheaties dude switch.
I think they call gender identity disorder - gender dysphoria now? I’ve seen a few new terms hit the scene in the recent years to justify and normalize the behavior. Point is - transgenderism is not going to be related to a mental disorder... they started paving the way years ago.
But transgender is different still. It used to mean the physical alterations/surgery a person goes through to transform into a different sex (sex change). Seems like you can just choose to be whatever gender you want to be any given day now.