When you put some time into studying deployment of wind you find that these giant wind devices aren't even the more effective method of deploying them. It's practically an inversion of the way they deploy best.
They deploy best when attached to rooflines, where air moving below, is pushed upward to join the rest of the air flowing past a site, and the airstream striking the blades is characteristically a little more dense than a standard unobstructed high type.
But this requires buildings to be braced and they vibrate with the turning rotors and there are problems with it associated with the scale of the forces in play, being unleashed throughout the structure of a building these things sit on.
The small ones don't kill many birds: the big ones do.
The small ones can be managed by non elite personnel - standard mantenance men can take care of it.
Not for the big ones of course, those require lots and lots of money and super exotic equipment to do anything with.
The entire application of these large scale towers are inversion of actual best practices.
When you put some time into studying deployment of wind you find that these giant wind devices aren't even the more effective method of deploying them. It's practically an inversion of the way they deploy best.
They deploy best when attached to rooflines, where air moving below, is pushed upward to join the rest of the air flowing past a site, and the airstream striking the blades is characteristically a little more dense than a standard unobstructed high type.
But this requires buildings to be braced and they vibrate with the turning rotors and there are problems with it associated with the scale of the forces in play, being unleashed throughout the structure of a building these things sit on.
The small ones don't kill many birds: the big ones do.
The small ones can be managed by non elite personnel - standard mantenance men can take care of it.
Not for the big ones of course, those require lots and lots of money and super exotic equipment to do anything with.
The entire application of these large scale towers are inversion of actual best practices.
Wouldn't it be better to just put a bunch of small turbines on top of buildings so we can localize the power generation?
No - wind power is too small .
perhaps on top of our cars and other vehicles. Lots of wind develops there.
Love the visual.