One of the biggest challenges I face when attempting to red pill individuals is my fellow veterans and active military who have been fed lies and vitriol who seem to despise Donald Trump for a ridiculous reason.
Most of these individuals hate Trump because he once "insulted" John McCain, and have since despised 45 for the disdain he has for the former pilot. The key to this hatred, of course, stems from media brainwashing telling viewers that Trump hates the military because of how he spoke of McCain, or how he joked about a former POW. The truth about John McCain is, in my opinion, the antidote to this type of thinking.
Well fren, as the mother of a ?man and intelligent specialist thank you for your service...I know the sacrifices all of those who serve make for us and our great country...
Some will never wake from their brainwashed sleep (sad to say) and others will, to an acceptable degree, but may have doubts 4 ever...Pick your battles and know your not going to win them all. You can't save people from themselves.....McCain was a pos and a traitor to everyone....let him rot in hell!
I don't know any Vets who despise Trump, but I know tons that despise No Name, Crenshaw, his buddy The Wheeled Wonder (can't remember his name, the new guy), the Bush's, Kerry, Graham, Mueller, etc. From the WWII Vets to the youngest of us, and from all branches.
I unfortunately live in a heavily liberal city and work in a union shop. The thing that annoys me the most about some of these liberal vets is that they hold tons of conservative values; gun ownership, small government, pro-life, etc. I've asked many how they can hold those values, but support democrats. It's usually some form of indoctrination of narrative and headline parroting from the news.
One of the biggest challenges I face when attempting to red pill individuals is my fellow veterans and active military who have been fed lies and vitriol who seem to despise Donald Trump for a ridiculous reason.
Most of these individuals hate Trump because he once "insulted" John McCain, and have since despised 45 for the disdain he has for the former pilot. The key to this hatred, of course, stems from media brainwashing telling viewers that Trump hates the military because of how he spoke of McCain, or how he joked about a former POW. The truth about John McCain is, in my opinion, the antidote to this type of thinking.
Well fren, as the mother of a ?man and intelligent specialist thank you for your service...I know the sacrifices all of those who serve make for us and our great country...
Some will never wake from their brainwashed sleep (sad to say) and others will, to an acceptable degree, but may have doubts 4 ever...Pick your battles and know your not going to win them all. You can't save people from themselves.....McCain was a pos and a traitor to everyone....let him rot in hell! Blessings!
I don't know any Vets who despise Trump, but I know tons that despise No Name, Crenshaw, his buddy The Wheeled Wonder (can't remember his name, the new guy), the Bush's, Kerry, Graham, Mueller, etc. From the WWII Vets to the youngest of us, and from all branches.
I unfortunately live in a heavily liberal city and work in a union shop. The thing that annoys me the most about some of these liberal vets is that they hold tons of conservative values; gun ownership, small government, pro-life, etc. I've asked many how they can hold those values, but support democrats. It's usually some form of indoctrination of narrative and headline parroting from the news.