posted ago by bubble_bursts ago by bubble_bursts +66 / -1

I see a lot of posts here, showing connection to Q posts with various timestamps, and proofs that Biden is not the president and Trump is in charge, even though true believes wouldn't need any of this to know its all part of the plan.

What we really need to do, as the D-Day is fast approaching, is to make sure we are all ready to the one one important thing we were recruited as DigitalWarriors to do. To help people around us to wake up.

Ask yourself this. If tomorrow is the day the Hammer falls, are you ready to start posting on your social media content that completely confused normies can digest to understand what and why this is happening?

Remember, these are people so ignorant they wont even know basics such as Mockingbird Media and how CIA has been using propaganda against them. They wont know why children are being trafficked. They wont know why Biden presidency is a fake. They dont know how FBI, CIA, and all other 3 letter agencies could have been hijacked to the point they are all lock step in their lies. They wont know what Uniparty is or how pervasive the corruption is. They wont know the truth about John McCain, for instance. Many dont even know what cultural marxism is, or why Federal Reserve is evil. They wont know UN and WHO etc are all Elite tools to control us.

We need a stack of content - each one like a slidedeck card with 3-4 points to explain one topic. We dont need memes at that point, just information content. Memes are for changing people's minds. When this happens all people want is answers, and if we dont give correct information right away, they will be prone to believing more new lies.

I think this is what we have to be focusing on. Get all this content ready to go the day the hammer drops.