I've considered compiling a short list of information about the scam that is COVID to try to reason with local managers/business-owners about complying with mask law. eg: https://greatawakening.win/p/12hRUvqIUv/3-important-articles-on-exparte-/c/
Has anyone tried this? Are any patriots appropriately suing local govt/state govt for overreach?
I told the manager to “fuck off” and went back to shopping. That worked.
User name checks out.
Always does.
We've had a lawsuit in progress in Arkansas for a few months (Reopen Arkansas). FOIA requests show where the mask Gestapo has been throughout the week and who were issued fines. We have made fliers to distribute at restaurants, and we have seen several restaurants in our area ease up on enforcement in the last few weeks. Sadly I think we are finally seeing less compliance because people feel complacent after receiving the vaccine.
My encouragement is to stay strong and keep doing the right thing. So many people see us and have said "Oh, we don't have to wear masks in here?" Nope. We've liberated a decent number of sheep. It does help us, however, that our directive doesn't allow police to detain us - as individuals- to issue tickets. If you want to be fined you have to choose to stay and wait for a ticket. Also, our state legislators are working their butts off and the restaurant fines should be going away at the end of the month. I expect other restrictions to lift soon after.
I am trying to get a dozen or so businesses on board to just open up and give a big fuck you to Murphy in nj. It just takes one to agree but I haven't quite gotten it yet. It's sad that Atliis gym has been open this entire time getting fined and not one business stood up and backed them.
Yeah that is sad/wild to me...I don't get how people are voluntarily just giving up their livelihoods.
Fear + brainwashing is how
Yeah I get it... But there's got to be more than just me here... The biggest problem we have is gathering our forces together. If I could find 25 like minded people here within 30 miles we could do some things.
. I really think we need some sort of localized subs .Win .
Or something like it
I found a 7 11 that will never utter a word about my maskless face. They've gotten all my side business. I started grocery delivery before covid bc of my own injuries that prevented me from walking the store. I don't spend much elsewhere.... haven't needed to yet.
It really depends. One day I went into a ... certain franchise store, and the girl there asked if I needed a mask. I slipped mine on and chatted about them.
"They don't do anything," I said.
She said: "I know, they probably don't. But corporate is watching the store at all times, and they want us to wear masks. I lost my last job, and I can't lose this one."
I was happy to wear a mask for her sake. I didn't want her in trouble.
But not all are that polite.
Same experience recently with a girl working at a local triple A.
I've tried. Some even with agreeing w/ the evidence, yet they say they're fearful of our commie gov fining them or shutting them down.
This is what my curiosity is driving at...they're all scared of the gov; rather than the other way around.