I used to be on TDW but haven't looked at it for well over a month. Today someone told me about this site, and it looks like my profile (from TDW) carries over. Forgive me if this is common knowledge here already (I did a search and didn't see anything)... Back on the Jan 9/10 weekend there was rumor that Pelosi was apprehended at the border trying to leave the country. This was immediately after she flipped out and tried to get nuke codes from Mark Miley. We never heard anything further about that, so maybe it was indeed just another rumor. Anyway, after reading that I was obviously curious to see if she showed up for work on Monday (Jan 11) so I checked the Congress website (live.house.gov) and saw that there was a stand-in acting as Speaker (Speaker Pro Tempore). After that it's been my daily habit to check the website, and to this day she has never acted in her capacity as Speaker. Usually, Congress will open session in the morning and she will be at the Speaker podium for the daily prayer and Pledge of Allegiance, and then, without anything being said, and nothing being stated on the minutes, she will step down and a different person (not always the same person) will step up and act as Speaker for the day. Usually you have to watch the live feed to see this happen because it isn't mentioned. Anyway, I've been sharing this info on Gab and Telegram, and I can't imagine that I'm the only one paying attention to this, but I just don't see anyone else ever talking about it. I can't for the life of me imagine a situation where she would voluntarily not be Speaker during the impeachment procedure; I have to assume that this is not voluntary, but imposed on her due to whatever is going on behind the scenes with her.
The perilous plight of Pelosi
New Fren
Thank you!!