And it's the 2-year anniversary of Q's phenomenal TRIPLE zero delta, one of the ultimate Q proofs of all time, 2/17/19 (easy! 2 + 17 = 19 :)
When tarred with the 'tard' label :) I'd often challenge them to explain, then, how Q could have influenced Trump to post on social media less than one minute after Q, three times in one day, unless they're in direct communication to coordinate pushing the buttons.
He passed away on the 17th. Godspeed Rush!
Rush lived to see Trump acquitted.
He also saw Trump re-elected. But the fucking deep state...
He knows everything now.
This is soothing.
That hit me when I was telling my wife he passed a few minutes ago. No Qoincidences.
And it's the 2-year anniversary of Q's phenomenal TRIPLE zero delta, one of the ultimate Q proofs of all time, 2/17/19 (easy! 2 + 17 = 19 :)
When tarred with the 'tard' label :) I'd often challenge them to explain, then, how Q could have influenced Trump to post on social media less than one minute after Q, three times in one day, unless they're in direct communication to coordinate pushing the buttons.
For some odd reason I never did get a reply
Maybe they just felt that they suddenly preferred to sit somewhere else on the bus.
Loved his broadcasts. Could see the whole board
2/17....So 19 applies