(Fair warning: I've been 100% wrong 100% of the time!)
Here's my question: we've been thinking maybe DC is occupied, Biden is playing house, all these EOs are to wake up the liberal sheep, right?
Ok, if the military is going to pull a Burma-type Op to retake control from an illegitimate puppet, wouldn't they need to act within 30 days on Jan 20th? Because it takes 30 days for an EO to be enacted? So, after the 30 days, the EO goes into effect and Biden is no longer just playing house... the destruction of America becomes a reality.
And if EOs are enacted, then maybe there's not a military op coming to save the day. But then again, why would the NG still make DC an occupied zone?
Any thoughts?
I think Wicktor's sharing of the Newsweek article on devolution is straight-on. He is not a fan of anything Q, but he recognizes that Trump telegraphed his moves behind the lens of COVID. I've been sharing this for two days now. Dave at X22 believes that we are not in devolution at the moment, and it will come after the information is shared.
I respectfully disagree while confirming I am nowhere as Q'd in as Dave. But that scenario doesn't play well with me because Biden is running too fast with those EO's and your scenario is the danger point.
Wicktor released new information today that confirmed my thinking. We have had to be in devolution from some point between January 6 and January 20. We have a covert military intervention in play right now. We've been shown hints of it (bogus inauguration, 21-gun salute for a foreign dignitary, the fencing around the White House, and no one is buying the Wag the Dog MSM news). Trump and Pence are giving orders (per Wicktor) but more than likely, they are not giving many, but they are being advised. They are not in control, but they are not out of control either. Biden never had control. He's either being held at gunpoint and told what to do, or he's clueless. This fits with continuing to wake up the sleeping masses. However, I keep going back to "These people are stupid." But with key Dems and operatives missing, I can't imagine that they aren't either aware or about to crap their pants with worry.
The devolution plan was such that the "successor" president did not have to know. That makes sense in this scenario because the military doesn't need court evidence. They have it all. They know the exact number of votes Trump received, the number stolen from him, and the numbers added by fraud. I believed it was said that Congress did not have the right to the knowledge either, but Wicktor claimed today that he believes those in Congress who are not at war with the people are in on it and even this sudden split with McConnell is a ruse so that Trump could key the non-traitorous members of Congress who need to know (a very small if not only one member). The only thing I have to balance with that train of thought is McConnell's wife. So, it could be that McConnell, if truly a traitor was bypassed for someone else. It this is a ruse, only those duly elected by the people would be considered members of Congress.
We thought it would be like Myanmar, open and easily turned into false news of a coup by the MSM and that the military was hesitant to act, but it appears that the 2018 Act with the planning that Trump allowed Newsweek to print out (Newsweek blinded by the MSM's necessity to scare American's with COVID) to telegraph the playbook and show us exactly what is playing out now, is what is happening. I believe that everything will be cleaned up, taken care of (and this means globally as Wicktor talks about our allies taking up slack for us at this time and individual states playing key roles in this), and the EBS or however they present it will be played out before us after it has all been cleaned up. Evidence shown, traitors taken away, Antifa and BLM unable to riot and burn down cities because they aren't messing with town councils taking away the police officers' rights to defend themselves. If they step out of line, they would be considered enemy combatants, and they wouldn't last long. And then Trump is restored as the duly-elected President of a stronger Republic standing in an entirely different world.
So, I think the only question is when is this all going to be cleaned up? When do we get to see the evidence of why the military or the devolvement had to occur? When do we get to see the traitors swing?
Everything you mentioned is exactly why I still believe that something is going on behind the scenes...I just don’t know what, yet. We’ve been presented with too much evidence indicating that Biden is illegitimate. Too many instances where no other viable explanation will suffice. We’ve also been given many Q nods that really help bolster our movement while things are so murky.
But while we see this puppet government playing house, I also see BS like Elaine Chow’s sister (Mitch’s sister in law) get appointed to the board of a Chinese bank. Then again, maybe this is another narrative shaping up to wake up the masses?
Sounds like I need to check out Wicktor and X22. While, I would love for a Myanmar-esque reckoning, most normies would freak. Whenever this plays out, the most important part of the operation will be the messaging and optics because taking back a country won’t matter if most people are still asleep and apt to give it away again.