The Bible makes other references to exactly 1260 days and to other periods of (approximately) 3.5 years, and a leading theory on the ministry of Jesus puts it at 3.5 years, but I haven't seen the match to an exact 1260 days.
Working out this theory, John the Baptist's ministry naturally occupied a spring and summer of the year, Jesus came for baptism naturally in association with a fall festival, and Jesus was tempted for 40 days during the fall (such as at Yom Kippur and/or "bitter" Heshvan).
The Bible describes 1260 days as being 42 30-day months, so it is natural for it also to be an alignment on the 60-day cyclical recurrences assumed for the Q clock.
But let's be exact: adding 1260 days to 10/28/17, Q's first post (and Durham's first day as US attorney), we don't get 4/4/21 but 4/10/21, Whitsunday Eve.
The two Great American eclipses also set up a period of 7 years marked with a chaotic midpoint, which was exactly Electoral College Day, 12/14/20. This is a good match to a Biblical pattern but not directly prophesied by the Bible. I have an interesting take on it being an indirect prophecy but if true that'll be publishable at the right time.
Thanks for the information. Definitely something to think about. One thing I learned long ago when studying Daniel was that the Babylonian year was counted as 360 days. Btw, I noticed that the next Great American Eclipse is three and one half years after Electoral College Day.
The Bible makes other references to exactly 1260 days and to other periods of (approximately) 3.5 years, and a leading theory on the ministry of Jesus puts it at 3.5 years, but I haven't seen the match to an exact 1260 days.
Working out this theory, John the Baptist's ministry naturally occupied a spring and summer of the year, Jesus came for baptism naturally in association with a fall festival, and Jesus was tempted for 40 days during the fall (such as at Yom Kippur and/or "bitter" Heshvan).
The Bible describes 1260 days as being 42 30-day months, so it is natural for it also to be an alignment on the 60-day cyclical recurrences assumed for the Q clock.
But let's be exact: adding 1260 days to 10/28/17, Q's first post (and Durham's first day as US attorney), we don't get 4/4/21 but 4/10/21, Whitsunday Eve.
The two Great American eclipses also set up a period of 7 years marked with a chaotic midpoint, which was exactly Electoral College Day, 12/14/20. This is a good match to a Biblical pattern but not directly prophesied by the Bible. I have an interesting take on it being an indirect prophecy but if true that'll be publishable at the right time.
Thanks for the information. Definitely something to think about. One thing I learned long ago when studying Daniel was that the Babylonian year was counted as 360 days. Btw, I noticed that the next Great American Eclipse is three and one half years after Electoral College Day.