Not planning on paying Screwel Taxes ever again
To quote the teachers union "F*ck Them"
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Any good teacher worth his/her weight is anxious and eager to get back to in person learning. I think it's easy to forget that most people (even Trump supporters) are not fully awake and have certainly not bought into the virus being a simple flu variant. They have been brainwashed into believing that the virus is deadly. This will take some time to undo.
There was a video of the union powers that be saying they're not going back, and fuck you to everyone else. Those people are not scared, they are power hungry, rotten & angry their authority is being questioned.
The union doesn't care about the teachers or the students. If the teachers are still asleep, I don't want them back.
I'll keep my school tax money and encourage everyone I know to do the same.
If we stand together to start our own neighborhood school and pay for good teachers that focus on TEACHING not political indoctrination and are answerable to us we can save this generation of children.
If there are teachers that are dying to get back to teaching . Fox the problem or quit-- there will lots if people willing to hire you for their groups.
Stay and do nothing but whine on how much you so badly want to do right thing, while doing NOTHING about it - to you I say fuck off, I'm not falling for your emotional blackmail anymore
It may not be perfect, but at least TRYING our collective best to teach & help out kids is way more than NY kids got last year.
I appreciate this perspective and can't say I disagree. We are not a union state so much of the politics associated with teachers' unions is lost on me.
Public Elementary & High schools here have tenure. Ridiculous bullshit has to stop
Well, that should be a crime against humanity. My 93-year-old mom is terrified.