First link proves nothing but being anti extremist, could be against antifa or blm groups just as much as any other. Second link says serve the constitution, not the president.
Sorry if you have a decent challenge I'll listen, but if you've watched the plane fags you'd know that more is happening and Xi Biden has zilch involved.
Now if you can find a clause saying its only right wing groups the doc i linked is affecting, and cannot also be applied to left wing extremism as well, be my guest to quote chapter and verse. But dont forget how the military actually works in the process either. Its "defend the constitution" not "defend the politicians" that is the oath of the military last i checked.
given a search of your own article didn't find the word "right", "conservative", or any lefty buzzwords (racism, sexism, white, black etc), I'll take my unemotional and logical stance which incorporates additional data over your stance of "biden runs the military, because election. DOOOOOOOOM".
Fraud vitiates everything.
Odd so many flights to gbay, or af1 flying about when trump was out and biden was supposedly still in the white house, or af2 flying about when kamala was in her temp accommodation. Strange how the branches of the service stopped following the potus account on twitter so soon after inauguration. Strange they keep posting Q references. Odd how retired generals are claiming wwiii is happening now via deep cover ops and cyber warfare. Peculiarities abound between bidens features past and present.
This is a film. Wake up. Remember what this forum is, fren. No dooming, no shilling, & support Q.
Read your own article. it mentions that as being the regulations the soldiers are being reminded of. Austin's order was to remind people of the regs on extremism. Those are the regs. He didnt write new ones.
Waltzing..... Riiiight. Trump didnt even share pleasantries with mathiss on his first visit, if what my cursory look at the web revealed. Was more like a businessman telling the military all its partners aren't stepping up.
"thank you for having us" is not the language i expect from someone who is in control of the man he is saying it to, either. It sounds like he had to ask for a bloody invite. Tell me, when did the president ever had to ask his generals when he can pop round to visit in trump's day? Happy to wait. I note the general is the only one who salutes in that vid btw.
No i havent heard the atc audio, do share. Same call sign was also used when he was purportedly in the white house signing sod knows what. Still waiting on clearing that one up, fren.
Still waiting for proof biden 2.0 is remotely the same man as creepy joe from 2015 too. Facelifts dont explain differences in the inner earlobe structures.
For someone digging, you haven't looked very deeply at what has already been unearthed before. All you may have found is 1) a good actor biting his tongue, or 2) a corrupt general in the pentagon (which is what this stage of the game/film is designed to unearth for us to see).
Stop looking at msm for info as to what is going on. It will not give you depth or even accuracy in most cases. Look at the raw data underneath. Look at what is actually being communicated as reference material for the stand down. Look at what the military is doing over america now, there are threads on this site dedicated to following atc about for trump and the military.
Stop ignoring the exceeding odd data that wont fit with the DOOOM.
First link proves nothing but being anti extremist, could be against antifa or blm groups just as much as any other. Second link says serve the constitution, not the president.
Sorry if you have a decent challenge I'll listen, but if you've watched the plane fags you'd know that more is happening and Xi Biden has zilch involved.
Mate, if you go to the rules mentioned by your source, you can see exactly what the pawn bureaucrat had his order translated into by the military. Here it is btw -
Now if you can find a clause saying its only right wing groups the doc i linked is affecting, and cannot also be applied to left wing extremism as well, be my guest to quote chapter and verse. But dont forget how the military actually works in the process either. Its "defend the constitution" not "defend the politicians" that is the oath of the military last i checked.
given a search of your own article didn't find the word "right", "conservative", or any lefty buzzwords (racism, sexism, white, black etc), I'll take my unemotional and logical stance which incorporates additional data over your stance of "biden runs the military, because election. DOOOOOOOOM".
Fraud vitiates everything.
Odd so many flights to gbay, or af1 flying about when trump was out and biden was supposedly still in the white house, or af2 flying about when kamala was in her temp accommodation. Strange how the branches of the service stopped following the potus account on twitter so soon after inauguration. Strange they keep posting Q references. Odd how retired generals are claiming wwiii is happening now via deep cover ops and cyber warfare. Peculiarities abound between bidens features past and present.
This is a film. Wake up. Remember what this forum is, fren. No dooming, no shilling, & support Q.
Wasnt ashley babbit a member of the service? Seem to remember that being a biiiig point in the media.
Isnt her death now considered massively sus? Seen a lot of threads on it, videos showing how it could and probably was staged.
Wasnt this whole 6th event a massive false flag?
Didnt Q say that the military knows all?
Read your own article. it mentions that as being the regulations the soldiers are being reminded of. Austin's order was to remind people of the regs on extremism. Those are the regs. He didnt write new ones.
Waltzing..... Riiiight. Trump didnt even share pleasantries with mathiss on his first visit, if what my cursory look at the web revealed. Was more like a businessman telling the military all its partners aren't stepping up.
"thank you for having us" is not the language i expect from someone who is in control of the man he is saying it to, either. It sounds like he had to ask for a bloody invite. Tell me, when did the president ever had to ask his generals when he can pop round to visit in trump's day? Happy to wait. I note the general is the only one who salutes in that vid btw.
No i havent heard the atc audio, do share. Same call sign was also used when he was purportedly in the white house signing sod knows what. Still waiting on clearing that one up, fren.
Still waiting for proof biden 2.0 is remotely the same man as creepy joe from 2015 too. Facelifts dont explain differences in the inner earlobe structures.
For someone digging, you haven't looked very deeply at what has already been unearthed before. All you may have found is 1) a good actor biting his tongue, or 2) a corrupt general in the pentagon (which is what this stage of the game/film is designed to unearth for us to see).
Stop looking at msm for info as to what is going on. It will not give you depth or even accuracy in most cases. Look at the raw data underneath. Look at what is actually being communicated as reference material for the stand down. Look at what the military is doing over america now, there are threads on this site dedicated to following atc about for trump and the military.
Stop ignoring the exceeding odd data that wont fit with the DOOOM.