Some people have been talking here about a bunch of arrests/executions of high profile individuals. It’s possible they occurred and they just haven’t been made public yet.
Some people have been talking here about a bunch of arrests/executions of high profile individuals. It’s possible they occurred and they just haven’t been made public yet.
Some people have been talking here about a bunch of arrests/executions of high profile individuals. It’s possible they occurred and they just haven’t been made public yet.
“It’s possible” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence.
It's possible we're living in a simulation
It's possible Alex Jones isn't controlled opposition
It's possible Nancy Pelosi is a white hat
It's possible Trump is a time traveler -- well, this one might be true
As it's meant to.
Works for me. Lots of smart people all over have suggested things already happening without fanfare so as not to wake the antifassholes.
(yep, another new one...enjoy :)
This is never not the case
One day it'll be true