Also I thought hidden messages in pictures were literally messages inbedded in the metadata of the image, not the picture itself being a message, although...of course that's also a thing.
I’m guessing they are hunting for the password to unlock the metadata imbedded in the photo. I thought this might also be a photo shop style later in the image, instead of added into the metadata, that can only be accessed by the program used to put the layer in. Which is how a password could hold it back. Metadata is mineable.
False, moon landings are real.
Programs exist that are outside of public domain.
Is he talking about the 1969-moon landing? Who would believe that?
NASA staff admits NEVER LEAVING LOW EARTH ORBIT yet. Yet the new, stronger, heavy lift SLS rocket and Van Allen Belt radiation resistant, heavy, and thick walled Orion capsule CAN (not has) safely take astronauts beyond Low Earth Orbit (below 1200 miles) to Make American First on the Moon again! FIRST AGAIN???
i understand this. and i'm with you. only thing is, ask myself, why should i give something anyway on freaks who wanna sell me this moon and mars stuff?
There is a message in their positions to me. The lack of uniformity only makes sense of this is a candid image instead of directed. Too orchestrated to be candid imho. At ease, at rest and why are their hands in front. Is that an Air Force thing?
My consideration is that these guys have been trained in coms.
Think of that soldier in VietnamCong prison, hauled before a camera, answering questions. While doing so, sending morse code by blinking his eyes.
So, the effort is rather small.
Compare it to doing arithmetic. Most people can add and substract single numbers quite easily. When it comes to multiplication and division things become more intens, but are quite easy to do when it concerns double digits. Triple and quadruple digits, by heart becomes something of a challenge to most.
So, you learn a skill, and train the hell out of it. The use and effort seem effortless.
I got QHE after using the line up thus: Left to right, arms behind the back being - dashes, arms in front I used a . dot, and arms by the side a break.
But also remember that different elements of the armed forces have different drill movements and stances.
What do the rest of their hands mean then?
Also I thought hidden messages in pictures were literally messages inbedded in the metadata of the image, not the picture itself being a message, although...of course that's also a thing.
I’m guessing they are hunting for the password to unlock the metadata imbedded in the photo. I thought this might also be a photo shop style later in the image, instead of added into the metadata, that can only be accessed by the program used to put the layer in. Which is how a password could hold it back. Metadata is mineable.
That’s what I understood
Morse code spells out Q DAY
"landing on #Mars" Do you believe it?
2225 False, moon landings are real. Programs exist that are outside of public domain. Q
Is he talking about the 1969-moon landing? Who would believe that?
NASA staff admits NEVER LEAVING LOW EARTH ORBIT yet. Yet the new, stronger, heavy lift SLS rocket and Van Allen Belt radiation resistant, heavy, and thick walled Orion capsule CAN (not has) safely take astronauts beyond Low Earth Orbit (below 1200 miles) to Make American First on the Moon again! FIRST AGAIN???
It's all bs
i understand this. and i'm with you. only thing is, ask myself, why should i give something anyway on freaks who wanna sell me this moon and mars stuff?
Someone in the other thread said "HCA" and someone else surmised it could mean Hillary Clinton Arrested.
Not my words, just from what I've seen in the other thread.
Guardian Project, AND THEN “Welcome Guardians!”
Is that with the password?
No, I’m just explaining the match between the URL and the Space Force nickname.
Gotcha, Thank you for clearing that up I'm a computer noob
SHADOWS aren't correct. Picture is designed/photoshopped. Bad work or intentionally bad work.
There is a message in their positions to me. The lack of uniformity only makes sense of this is a candid image instead of directed. Too orchestrated to be candid imho. At ease, at rest and why are their hands in front. Is that an Air Force thing?
I love this. Ya'll are getting this together, wow, exciting. Love you autists. ??
Well i read throu what people have said about the code in this. And i get Q HCA. Hilary Clinton Arrested? Lets hope!
--.-/..../.-../ .
Q high level event?
Your first slash should be a break. You last slash equals a space.
This Produces: Q 4 DT
or think mirror:
DT 4 Q
Ots a lot of work for a message like that. Seems the message would be more substantive.
My consideration is that these guys have been trained in coms.
Think of that soldier in VietnamCong prison, hauled before a camera, answering questions. While doing so, sending morse code by blinking his eyes.
So, the effort is rather small.
Compare it to doing arithmetic. Most people can add and substract single numbers quite easily. When it comes to multiplication and division things become more intens, but are quite easy to do when it concerns double digits. Triple and quadruple digits, by heart becomes something of a challenge to most.
So, you learn a skill, and train the hell out of it. The use and effort seem effortless.
I got QHE after using the line up thus: Left to right, arms behind the back being - dashes, arms in front I used a . dot, and arms by the side a break.
But also remember that different elements of the armed forces have different drill movements and stances.
This is some Grade-A autism and I mean that in the kindest way possible. Well done pede!