posted ago by CrsCrpr ago by CrsCrpr +53 / -0

-Excused human rights violations by the CCP as “cultural norms” -Allowed biological men to play in women’s sports -Forced our military to sleep in freezing parking garages -Spent 483 million in taxpayer dollars to keep the Natl guard in Washington DC -Said minorities are too stupid to use the internet -Put migrant kids in overflow facilities (aka “put kids in cages”) -Raised gas prices by cancelling the Keystone Pipeline -Put us back into the Paris Climate Accord -Rejoined the WHO (who is tied to/covers for China) -Lied about the COVID vaccine supply -Started having Kamala make head of state calls for him -Rescinded the “1776 commission” geared toward pro-America curriculum -Hired the most useless press secretary our country has ever seen -Normalized double masking -Played Mario Kart

Did I leave anything out?