It has been rough. ERCOT failed to warn about the potential of blackouts. They knew from 2011 that they had serious issues. Either gross negligence or something more sinister.
My house is back up and running as of today. I had completely drained the water in my house pipes as I remember 1989. I’m in the Houston area. I failed to drain my pool pipes and many of those are broken. I blame ERCOT. Had I known that we would have had more than just rolling blackouts I know I would have made better preparations. And yes I, like others, watched the news leading up to the winter storms. No warnings about the potential of blackouts and the need to take extraordinary measures. Just the usual pipes, plants, pets stuff.
I'm an exec in the energy field, and you are right -- ERCOT screwed this up, not the BidenHarris admin (as many others are trying to say). ERCOT basically took a cost/benefit analysis of whether or not they should freeze-proof their infrastructure, and decided not to do it. In addition they over-relied on unreliable Renewables, shut down too many coal plants, and failed to secure enough NatGas supply.
Its one thing to have your pool pipes freeze...its an entirely more severe and irresponsible thing to have your state's NatGas pipes and wind turbines freeze. All in all, a complete clusterf*ck by ERCOT management.
Have you seen this article below? The summary is "The order shows Acting Energy Secretary David Huizenga did not waive environmental restrictions to allow for maximum energy output, instead of ordering ERCOT to utilize all resources in order to stay within acceptable emissions standards – including purchasing energy from outside the state." It sounds exactly like the Biden/Harris administration's fault. All of them are liable if that is accurate.
Yes I've seen that article posted here and elsewhere online. My entire point is that articles like this are not accurate. They are fundamentally misunderstanding the text of the order.
It has been rough. ERCOT failed to warn about the potential of blackouts. They knew from 2011 that they had serious issues. Either gross negligence or something more sinister.
My house is back up and running as of today. I had completely drained the water in my house pipes as I remember 1989. I’m in the Houston area. I failed to drain my pool pipes and many of those are broken. I blame ERCOT. Had I known that we would have had more than just rolling blackouts I know I would have made better preparations. And yes I, like others, watched the news leading up to the winter storms. No warnings about the potential of blackouts and the need to take extraordinary measures. Just the usual pipes, plants, pets stuff.
I'm an exec in the energy field, and you are right -- ERCOT screwed this up, not the BidenHarris admin (as many others are trying to say). ERCOT basically took a cost/benefit analysis of whether or not they should freeze-proof their infrastructure, and decided not to do it. In addition they over-relied on unreliable Renewables, shut down too many coal plants, and failed to secure enough NatGas supply.
Its one thing to have your pool pipes freeze...its an entirely more severe and irresponsible thing to have your state's NatGas pipes and wind turbines freeze. All in all, a complete clusterf*ck by ERCOT management.
Have you seen this article below? The summary is "The order shows Acting Energy Secretary David Huizenga did not waive environmental restrictions to allow for maximum energy output, instead of ordering ERCOT to utilize all resources in order to stay within acceptable emissions standards – including purchasing energy from outside the state." It sounds exactly like the Biden/Harris administration's fault. All of them are liable if that is accurate.
Yes I've seen that article posted here and elsewhere online. My entire point is that articles like this are not accurate. They are fundamentally misunderstanding the text of the order.
I get that you are in the sector and I'm sure they dropped the ball on infrastructure but caring about the environment more than people is wrong