What do you think? All at once, or a chunk at a time?
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If I had to pick or else never see Trump again, I'd pick chunks at a time. Remember most Americans have never seen this site, never really heard of Q or at least have never read the stuff. We can't just casually confront them with "Guess what, the people at the top of nearly all world govts, religions, Hollywood, and most other big industries all get together to torture and eat babies for dinner while worshiping Satan, then skin them and make red shoes out of them, which they wear to the gatherings. Look, here's the pope wearing the shoes. There's even a secret video on Congressman Anthony Wiener's kiddie-porn laptop of Hillary and Huma slicing off and wearing the face of a live little girl, like Hannibal Lecter!" Sure, WE think it only sounds crazy yet is real; to them it would be time to run away from us.
Would be nice for the normies if they started with just one person. Like say Hillary. Slowly the news comes out of the horrific things she has done. It would shock normies incredibly but it's only one person. They'd have some time to work through it, digest it. And then a week later you reveal it wasn't just Hillary.. it was also.... X. A week later, it was also Y. And so on.
It might be good to start with unelected hureaucrats
Corney Clapper Brennan Sztrok Page McCabe Rosenstein Mueller
Garbage like that
People nobody loves and voted for