I wish there was more we could do. Until more people are fed up, we can’t do much. In the meantime, educate everyone and point out the bullshit and lies.
There is no point in educating anyone anymore at this point. That is not what we’re waiting for. I’m not sure what we ARE waiting for but it’s not that. Nobody in this country is going to stand against the military—least of all, basement-dwelling liberals. The moment the military turns off the media and starts broadcasting proof of the Deep State’s crimes via the EBS the whole country will almost instantly unite. I wish I knew what we were waiting for though. I feel like we’re one move away from checkmate and there’s nothing the other side can do but we’ve decided to take a long bathroom break for some reason and it’s driving me batshit crazy.
What do you have in mind?
I wish there was more we could do. Until more people are fed up, we can’t do much. In the meantime, educate everyone and point out the bullshit and lies.
There is no point in educating anyone anymore at this point. That is not what we’re waiting for. I’m not sure what we ARE waiting for but it’s not that. Nobody in this country is going to stand against the military—least of all, basement-dwelling liberals. The moment the military turns off the media and starts broadcasting proof of the Deep State’s crimes via the EBS the whole country will almost instantly unite. I wish I knew what we were waiting for though. I feel like we’re one move away from checkmate and there’s nothing the other side can do but we’ve decided to take a long bathroom break for some reason and it’s driving me batshit crazy.
And by then It will be to late because it’s already to late for that