There will never be any the military is cucked and part of the swamp. Why would they give up power? Under Biden the brass has complete control on the future of the military and who gets all the back door deals to make them rich. Everybody is locked down and they get to be the enforcers. If you were them you would go along with it too most people are sheep and don’t deserve freedom they just give it up. It’s why they willing wear masks and love lockdowns. People love staying at home doing nothing all day pretending to work and having everything delivered to them. It’s a responsibility free life and people love that. There is zero incentive for the military to risk themselves for us, our best bet is to either join them, leave the country, or move to the middle of nowhere and keep our heads down. This is the course of human history and always has been...
There will never be any the military is cucked and part of the swamp. Why would they give up power? Under Biden the brass has complete control on the future of the military and who gets all the back door deals to make them rich. Everybody is locked down and they get to be the enforcers. If you were them you would go along with it too most people are sheep and don’t deserve freedom they just give it up. It’s why they willing wear masks and love lockdowns. People love staying at home doing nothing all day pretending to work and having everything delivered to them. It’s a responsibility free life and people love that. There is zero incentive for the military to risk themselves for us, our best bet is to either join them, leave the country, or move to the middle of nowhere and keep our heads down. This is the course of human history and always has been...
If that were true, humanity would never have survived so long.
Not it’s exactly why humanity has survived so long...