“Oh, it was one of the greatest State of the Union Speeches ever. President Joe Biden was magnificent! What, you missed it? Oh, we couldn’t record it, because of COVID-19 coronavirus restrictions, of course, but take our word for it, President Joe Biden was incredible. A real presidential President of who we all must be very proud that he’s our President.”
Listen Fat. You know, the thing.
"I uh . . I ummm . . trumpinpureezekoid Jillmarm cabbage patch doohickie.
Ah, no I shouldn't."
Jim Henson will "wear" Joe Biden and operate his jaws while doing his best impersonation of a babbling, incompetent MORON.
The fence around the White House has been removed.
“Oh, it was one of the greatest State of the Union Speeches ever. President Joe Biden was magnificent! What, you missed it? Oh, we couldn’t record it, because of COVID-19 coronavirus restrictions, of course, but take our word for it, President Joe Biden was incredible. A real presidential President of who we all must be very proud that he’s our President.”