Looking for:
Most recent statistics of what percentage of the American population has been vaccinated.
Most recent statistics of vaccine side effects and/or deaths.
Most recent articles regarding vaccines still not being approved by the FDA.
Any article from MSM, published in a rare moment of honesty, that you can find will be appreciated.
So most of your friends decided they want it?
3rd Line it isn't approved by FDA. American Front Line Doctors source.
What is scary is that a persons reaction to the natural virus after getting the “shot” is worse then if having no shot.
Now we have the J&J shot coming that is not mRNA. I wonder if there may be adverse reaction if these two people meet. If the J&J gets sick and passes it onto a mRNA person.
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-covid-vaccinations?tab=chart&stackMode=absolute&country=~USA®ion=World
As of Jan. Feb. 4, 653 deaths: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaers-injuries-covid-vaccine-cdc-data/
With a “vaccine” based on untested technology, and safety trials still ongoing, is it safe to take the shot? And does it even work? https://off-guardian.org/2021/02/22/synthetic-mrna-covid-vaccines-a-risk-benefit-analysis/
Bonus: https://i.ibb.co/gJ7SSDn/nwo-mad-scientist-12x9-ink-on-paper-w.png
Read today that 20 million Americans are "fully vaccinated" (both doses).
www.hereistheevidence.com Also has great info about the fraud and the fake riot in DC. You have to organize by tab to specifically get vaccine info.
I don't think you can find those statistics. I keep looking, and such data is impossible to find. The data is globally suppressed. There are some reports that make it through, but I can't find any cumulative data.
You'd think that would be important (and you'd be correct). The fact that it doesn't seem to be is the biggest red flag possible, but to someone who is still asleep it just means that nothing is wrong.
When statistics are lacking, you have your answer.
They aren't tracking much and they aren't sharing anything. Informed consent for this treatment is impossible.
I saw a random headline that said 30% of military refused the vaccine. Who knows. # could be higher?