This simple phrase shows the complete hypocrisy of the Dem voters.
Everything they vote for supports corporate America.
They consume corporate America news.
Corporate America is imposing Marxist ideology. Cancel culture etc.
I called one of my coworkers a corporate fascist and his head exploded and simply pointed out his hypocrisy that you can’t be a Bernie bro and vote dem as the Dems are the party of corporate America. His brain crashed harder then windows vista I definitely hit a nerve.
We should use one of their favorite words “fascism” and turn it against them.
This could maybe be an easy way to redpill people if we all start referring to them as corporate fascists. Nothing would piss these people off more then showing them how they are boot lickers for corporate America. Just an idea.
Yes! They really are Corporate Fascists. One thing I hate is the constant reminders at stores to wear a mask and social distance. Is there anyone alive who doesn't know the rules yet?
Those are bullshit "rules" made to demoralize us and keep us from talking about what is really going on and to keep us ignorant Sheep.
I do not wear a mask or bother with the distancing crap. They have NO legal standing to enforce this tyranny.