My 10 years of French, decades ago, has at this point pretty much amounted to one (awesome) meme pun, and a new francophone fren. But hey, I'll take it! ?
(I grew up in California, and have spent a total of about 6 days of my life in French-speaking lands, so in hindsight, another language might have been more useful. ?)
And I'll admit, I had to look up "tabarnac"... but it looks hella useful. I think I'll now have to teach it to my kids now.
So many people do not want to hear the real truth about Hitler and Nazi Germany because they've been indoctrinated with the propaganda from the first breath. It's sad to see, but THIS truth, the ultimate truth, will never go mainstream.
I'm not saying I know everything or that I think Hitler is a good guy, but with knowledge of "victors writing history books" and government forced history and how it's illegal to even deny the holocaust in some places and just the mere propaganda of the narrative is more than enough to make me skeptical of the official story.
German pede here.
After the war the Allies internated all remaining German soldiers and Nazi officials in Concentrationscamps, most famous example being the "Rheinwiesenlager" where 3,4 million Germans where concentrated.
Many of them died. Noone talks about it. They died because they weren't given enough rations and tuberkulosis spread like a wildfire.
That's the same issue Nazi Germany had with their concentration camps, tuberkulosis killed the inmates.
So many Germans lost their lives in the aftermath, even though they surrendered, even though they weren't even affiliated with the Nazi ideology, they were merely soldiers and carried out their duty to defend their nation. Patriots.
History is constantly being altered to appease the winners.
Noone talks about how Germany got the responsibility for starting WW1 even though it wasn't Germany who started the war.
Noone talks about that Germany got utterly fucked by the treaty of versailles.
Noone talks about that Poland constantly tried to wage war against Germany in the 20s and 30s, seeking out GB or France to help Poland vs. Germany.
Noone talks about the communist terror in Germany from 1920 until Hitler came to power, thousands were slaughtered by the commies.
Noone talks about that Hitler seeked honest peace with Britan.
Noone talks about that Hitler was sponsered by the US until Pearl Harbor.
Noone talks about that Hitler recieved funding from the american Jews.
Noone talks about that Hitler had a peaceful resettlement program for german Jews even after the Jews declared war against him in 1934.
Noone talks about that Hitler removed the Rothschild Bankers from Germany and put a gold-backed currency system in place.
That's the reason Hitler is being demonized, that is the reason Hitler was attacked by literally the entire world, because he stood up against the (jewish), globalist banking cabal, called "the jewish tyranny".
He stood up against degeneracy, the infamous book burning was just that, erasing porn and degenerate LGBTQ content.
Study my history, study Hitler, read up on a few his speeches regarding economy and sociology.
He wasn't a marxist-socialist even though people want to frame him this way, he wasn't a tyrant.
He ended the cabal in Germany and we are still paying the price by being subjected to millions of muslims, raping and killing our wives and daughters, by soaking up our social welfare and after 16 years of Stasi-Merkel i'm afraid that Germany is dead.
I can assure you, Germany is not dead. Although, Thilo Sarazin was right in writing his book: Deutschland schafft sich ab, he was wrong in one thing: It should have been:"Die Bundes Republik schafft sich ab".
Not to mention the Butcher of Brooklyn's reign of nursing home deaths. The whole leftist movement is pure evil.
So abort at the moment of birth, cut the vocal cord first so they can't scream. What is the real reason for these late term abortions?
Child sacrifice.
Plain and simple.
Demonic murder of the most innocent.
There IS no other reason.
Plus ça change, plus c'est la meme chose.
My 10 years of French, decades ago, has at this point pretty much amounted to one (awesome) meme pun, and a new francophone fren. But hey, I'll take it! ?
(I grew up in California, and have spent a total of about 6 days of my life in French-speaking lands, so in hindsight, another language might have been more useful. ?)
And I'll admit, I had to look up "tabarnac"... but it looks hella useful. I think I'll now have to teach it to my kids now.
All I remember from the cuss-word department is “salope”, for whatever reason, and, of course the ever-popular “merde.”
(although, to my understanding, the French aren’t nearly as fecal-obsessed as their neighbors to the east: )
I'm not Catholic, so...
Get this book before it's banned from the rest of the sellers:
So many people do not want to hear the real truth about Hitler and Nazi Germany because they've been indoctrinated with the propaganda from the first breath. It's sad to see, but THIS truth, the ultimate truth, will never go mainstream.
I'm not saying I know everything or that I think Hitler is a good guy, but with knowledge of "victors writing history books" and government forced history and how it's illegal to even deny the holocaust in some places and just the mere propaganda of the narrative is more than enough to make me skeptical of the official story.
German pede here. After the war the Allies internated all remaining German soldiers and Nazi officials in Concentrationscamps, most famous example being the "Rheinwiesenlager" where 3,4 million Germans where concentrated. Many of them died. Noone talks about it. They died because they weren't given enough rations and tuberkulosis spread like a wildfire. That's the same issue Nazi Germany had with their concentration camps, tuberkulosis killed the inmates. So many Germans lost their lives in the aftermath, even though they surrendered, even though they weren't even affiliated with the Nazi ideology, they were merely soldiers and carried out their duty to defend their nation. Patriots.
History is constantly being altered to appease the winners. Noone talks about how Germany got the responsibility for starting WW1 even though it wasn't Germany who started the war. Noone talks about that Germany got utterly fucked by the treaty of versailles. Noone talks about that Poland constantly tried to wage war against Germany in the 20s and 30s, seeking out GB or France to help Poland vs. Germany. Noone talks about the communist terror in Germany from 1920 until Hitler came to power, thousands were slaughtered by the commies. Noone talks about that Hitler seeked honest peace with Britan. Noone talks about that Hitler was sponsered by the US until Pearl Harbor. Noone talks about that Hitler recieved funding from the american Jews. Noone talks about that Hitler had a peaceful resettlement program for german Jews even after the Jews declared war against him in 1934. Noone talks about that Hitler removed the Rothschild Bankers from Germany and put a gold-backed currency system in place.
That's the reason Hitler is being demonized, that is the reason Hitler was attacked by literally the entire world, because he stood up against the (jewish), globalist banking cabal, called "the jewish tyranny". He stood up against degeneracy, the infamous book burning was just that, erasing porn and degenerate LGBTQ content.
Study my history, study Hitler, read up on a few his speeches regarding economy and sociology. He wasn't a marxist-socialist even though people want to frame him this way, he wasn't a tyrant.
He ended the cabal in Germany and we are still paying the price by being subjected to millions of muslims, raping and killing our wives and daughters, by soaking up our social welfare and after 16 years of Stasi-Merkel i'm afraid that Germany is dead.
I can assure you, Germany is not dead. Although, Thilo Sarazin was right in writing his book: Deutschland schafft sich ab, he was wrong in one thing: It should have been:"Die Bundes Republik schafft sich ab".
Important (especially before it's banned from all sellers; already disappeared from some):