posted ago by kkuff ago by kkuff +32 / -0

I just read the article about the girl who cried racism for "eating while being black." I am appalled at how our society is going down the tubes. I see what happened there (Smith College), and other places (too numerous to mention), as being a true abuser/abused relationship. Let me explain.

Much of our society thinks everything is about racism or some other type of -ism against them. So, what do they do? They cry RACISM (abusive behavior), or whatever -ISM, so people will shrink away and apologize (the abused person's behavior). Even to the point of companies requiring employees to take bullshit training.

CLASSIC abuser/abused. The abuser "claims" the abused did something (looked at them the wrong way, looked at someone they shouldn't, said the wrong thing, laughed at the wrong time, etc) and they must "pay for it" in some way. In these situations, the "abuser" is the person claiming an -ism (making complaints to HR, making complaints to college administration, screaming about it in Congress) knowing that someone will feel sorry for them and try to appease them and the situation. Here's the kicker, you can NEVER appease an abuser (I know). They will always find something else to blame on you (they say, "you made me feel (fill in the blank)", or "you shouldn't have done (fill in the blank)." They will always point the finger to the abused and not themselves. It NEVER ends. The only time it ends is when the abused says, "ENOUGH!"

So, we are becoming an ABUSED society. And, that will continue as long as people continue to apologize and make "reparations" for these so-called "abuses" or offenses.

It started with kids having a "safe space" to go to if someone offended them in school. Or, when basic trainees could pull out their "stress card" if the drill sergeant was yelling at them too much. We have become a society of pussies.

Put your big girl/boy pants on and GROW THE FUCK UP.

If you don't like, or want to read "Huckleberry Finn" because of the language in it, THEN DON'T READ IT. If you don't like to listen to Hip/Hop or Rap music because of the language, THEN DON'T LISTEN TO IT. If you are vegetarian, THEN DON'T EAT MEAT. Again, the list could go on an on. The rest of us should NOT have to deal with their bullshit.

I gave a lot of examples because there are a lot of examples. But, my main point is that we have/or are becoming a society of abusers and the abused and it has to stop.