Sounds like a good way to try and prevent/deter reporters from witnessing what's going on. The less reporters, the less the truth is exposed. They probably will make sure at the end only a handful of 'bias reporters' will remain reporting anything but the truth.
Maybe the media will wake up and....(buwahahah) sorry...never mind.
Sounds like a good way to try and prevent/deter reporters from witnessing what's going on. The less reporters, the less the truth is exposed. They probably will make sure at the end only a handful of 'bias reporters' will remain reporting anything but the truth.
Okay, I am going to have to go there. Apologies. Not less reporters, 'fewer' reporters and not 'bias reporters, 'biasED reporters.' :D
they're asking hard questions, and she's also not getting paid so this is her great plan to get a paycheck
USA, Inc. is flat broke, so they have to institute a cover charge to make ends meet.
Maybe Biden can donate his payroll and cover the cost
Most voted for President ever!
chiden - One of the best redpills ever.
they dont have any money lol