He'll be hauled in front of Congress, and he will stutter, brain fart, and "c'mon man" through their questions, because not only is he an 80 year old man with dementia, he also was not briefed on nor did he order the strike.
Trump, or someone in his immediate orbit did, but Biden cannot admit this. Doing so would mean admitting that the military is acting independently of him, and that is the first domino towards being forced to admit that he is not actually President.
The media and Congress will say he is mentally unfit, and this will be used as pretext to use the 25th Amendment. I suspect we will have "President" Kameltoe before the end of March.
He'll be hauled in front of Congress, and he will stutter, brain fart, and "c'mon man" through their questions, because not only is he an 80 year old man with dementia, he also was not briefed on nor did he order the strike.
Trump, or someone in his immediate orbit did, but Biden cannot admit this. Doing so would mean admitting that the military is acting independently of him, and that is the first domino towards being forced to admit that he is not actually President.
The media and Congress will say he is mentally unfit, and this will be used as pretext to use the 25th Amendment. I suspect we will have "President" Kameltoe before the end of March.