The current situation in the world says you are wrong. Men in dresses is perverted and most people think that way. I don’t trust them around children as they are obsessed with pushing homosexuality on pre-pubescent children. Shit didn’t happen before Obama.
Well you can go fuck yourself then because not all men who dress up push homosexuality on children. Thats an ass backwards argument. This is why people hate us because you assholes dont think logically.that whole shit with rand paul and that trans man is the real issue here. So ur ganna tell me your agaisnt homosexuality? Why cant men express themselves in the clothes they want?
You need to read up on ideological subversion. It starts small, but it is all about normalization of deviancy until you are in full blown clown world allowing children to mutilate themselves. It starts with the man on a bus in a dress, just like censorship of a sitting President started with political correctness and banning the use of the F and R words.
Na you just called a lot of people perverts who are not perverts and i have a big fucking problem with that. You assholes claim to be fighting the good fight yet you cant understand that everything is nuanced and not black and white. Thats why people stay home depressed because they feel like they are not allowed to express themselves. Why do you think people fall to the trans ideology? Because people like you insult them and push them away. Im fucking disgusted right now that this community has people like you in it. We are suppose to be accpeting of other peoples lifestyles not demonize them especially if we dont know who they are
The current situation in the world says you are wrong. Men in dresses is perverted and most people think that way. I don’t trust them around children as they are obsessed with pushing homosexuality on pre-pubescent children. Shit didn’t happen before Obama.
Well you can go fuck yourself then because not all men who dress up push homosexuality on children. Thats an ass backwards argument. This is why people hate us because you assholes dont think logically.that whole shit with rand paul and that trans man is the real issue here. So ur ganna tell me your agaisnt homosexuality? Why cant men express themselves in the clothes they want?
You need to read up on ideological subversion. It starts small, but it is all about normalization of deviancy until you are in full blown clown world allowing children to mutilate themselves. It starts with the man on a bus in a dress, just like censorship of a sitting President started with political correctness and banning the use of the F and R words.
Na you just called a lot of people perverts who are not perverts and i have a big fucking problem with that. You assholes claim to be fighting the good fight yet you cant understand that everything is nuanced and not black and white. Thats why people stay home depressed because they feel like they are not allowed to express themselves. Why do you think people fall to the trans ideology? Because people like you insult them and push them away. Im fucking disgusted right now that this community has people like you in it. We are suppose to be accpeting of other peoples lifestyles not demonize them especially if we dont know who they are
I am starting to think you are a lefty shill now. I bet you also think abortion is fine too.
Trans ideology has grown like a cancer because the deviancy was normalized and legitimized in the ways I have outlined above.
It's pretty clear.