I got to chatting with my neighbour over the fence. She was a very progessive type a few months back, before the last lockdown in the uk. Polish lass, very sweet, but also very much a liberal even in the british lens.
Anyway, talking to her today, and shes talking about how covid is a flu, how "the media never tell you the truth", how the politucians are all corrupt, and im thinking "what the actual f... What or who fed you the red pill?"
Honestly, was half expecting her to say "nothing can stop what is coming" for a second, but alas. However she was asking "why the lockdowns and risk the economy" so i pointed her gaze towards the great reset. Hopefully that will help guide her forward as another pede. That one would go on the warpath for babies, so i can see her firing meme cannons any day now.
Nice! I thought the general Pole was pretty based, eh? Sounds like she's coming around.
Poland and the other Eastern European countries are supposedly more right wing than Western Europe... which is as liberal as it gets. Eastern Germany is also more conservative (at least based on the AfD party's vote share). I wouldn't be surprised it it seceded from Germany and joined Poland.
That is wonderful to see. Good job pointing her in the right direction. Encouraging these people is by far the best method. I’m getting a little worried about all of the people saying “I told you so!”.
That just makes it more difficult for the liberals and normies to swallow the red pill. No one likes to be wrong, and they’ll never admit they were wrong if we ridicule them for it. It might even make them double down.
Love this story that you definitely didn’t just make up.
Well done Patriot! ?