The Contact section has only a form and no address information.
The WHOIS info lists a privacy registration with an abuse contact in Germany.
Without confirmation by any Spanish language press in Peru, there is no way to know if this is real or "Trump News" Macedonian clickbait.
Why leave out Fauci and Obama and their role in all of this? This news is somewhat old. Nothing has been done about it and it's of course under reported.
Great! Now someone just needs to trick them into getting on a chopper and fly them there. A-Team style like with Mr. T., spiked milk, or smashing TVs on their heads.
And nothing they can do to them if they don’t set foot in Peru so what did they accomplish? Nothing everyone knows so it’s not like they letting the cat out of the bag
At the bottom of the Envolve website:
The Contact section has only a form and no address information. The WHOIS info lists a privacy registration with an abuse contact in Germany. Without confirmation by any Spanish language press in Peru, there is no way to know if this is real or "Trump News" Macedonian clickbait.
One of my fb accounts is banned 30 days for posting this.
KEK only get banned and fact checked if youre telling the truth.
Put a price in their heads dead or alive. 10 mil
This news has been out for a while, not seen it reported more widely though.
That tells me the Peruvian government is the only government left in the world that's not corrupted by the Deep State.
Well, let's just say....I speak fluent spanish... and might have a few connections in Peru.
I might be able to get a hold of that document and read it.
Why leave out Fauci and Obama and their role in all of this? This news is somewhat old. Nothing has been done about it and it's of course under reported.
True ?
Great! Now someone just needs to trick them into getting on a chopper and fly them there. A-Team style like with Mr. T., spiked milk, or smashing TVs on their heads.
Don't forget to add Fauxi in there too. He funded the Wuhan lab.
And nothing they can do to them if they don’t set foot in Peru so what did they accomplish? Nothing everyone knows so it’s not like they letting the cat out of the bag