Trump via Telegram has been dishing out many endorsements. A recent one is for Max Miller in Ohio, to unseat an incumbent Republican for a 2022 primary election. Why would he be endorsing candidates so early for 2022 seats? Could it be possible that Trump unleashes massive truth tomorrow on stage, forces the proof of fraud on the public, and initiates a real re-do election? What does everyone think about a scenario like this?
Comments (32)
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I like your movie!!!
I want to believe
If that happens I will spray paint maga over my body and run around the countryside! Yelling Maga Bitach with a megaphone
I wish...
Tomorrow , nah....Nice fantasy though.
Is the telegram channel legit? If so, very plausible.
I've been viewing this one. It has been simultaneously posting some with George News.
Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States
Uncensored posts from the office of Donald J. Trump
I'd be happy if he just called out McConnell, Liz Cheney and McCarthy by name and explains how he's looking forward to making sure they're primaried when they're up for re-election.
Has anything even remotely like that happened so far?
Yeah buddy
Then the question is: when will we have the new election?
In March or April? 2022? 2024?
We will never know. Only Q knows. But I trust the plan. Q will do whatever is in our best interest.
Sounds like mom didn't heat up your Hot Pocket enough. Poor dear.
You will never be a real woman.
Somehow bragging about having a real woman and how satisfied she is in the internet sounds like a base dweller. Good luck with your "real" woman.
Fetish dolls are supposedly very life-like. Ask the troll.
I guess 'she' finished dilating the open wound that he calls a vagina.
That is not a woman you are 'married' to.
Bless your heart ❤️
Yea, how about that 1.9T