259 Star Wars predictions coming true (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by edman69 3 years ago by edman69 +259 / -0 20 comments download share 20 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
yeah it takes balls to get up there in a dress and wig and tell people about mental health
Wonder if he still has his?
Pun intended? lol
Well his mom owes him one- he moved HER out of the nursing home to keep her safe from the COVID positive individuals that were being moved into PA nursing homes.
Killed them? He probably ATE them!
Dewanna wanga.
jaabba no badda
Boba has got this covered.
Jabba no bothah.
wow the exact line good for you
This glob of ugly shit is all it should take for anyone to realize that the Dems care NOTHING about your health.
Nailed it!
This thing had better not get confirmed. Every republican that votes for it must be primaried.
Mandalorian budget cuts
How dare you?? One of them is a beautiful being and the other one wants to snip snip your kids.